Wednesday, March 02, 2005

State of the Blog Address

A couple of days late but still fresher than the competitors!

So what's up? I'll tell you what's up!!!! Some exciting and some not quite so exciting news in the world of Nathan...let's get crackin'.

Spring break continues...I'm continually board. It's nice to be around the family and catch up on all the work I'm behind on but it would be nicer still to have something to do. I think going back to school won't be so bad after all. I did brush up on my "drool in cup" skills some these past few day...err...riight.

Due to some possible changes in my home ISP I am having to do the unthinkable and abandon AOL (yay) possibly for good. There is no easy way to make the transition but I'm willing to try anything so here it goes. My primary E-Mail address is NO LONGER
Everyone understand? Ok...
Please direct all emails to me at
Gmail is a Google operated web based e-mail client that has been getting really good reviews. It is currently on an invite only system but Matt was able to hook me up with one. THANKS MAN!
Please tell everyone you know that might remotely be interested in knowing my e-mail that they can now reach me at my gmail.



Ok now what else...
Oh yeah, remember how in the last SotBA I said I was going to start reviewing bargain bin movies? I never got around to it but I still plan on doing it because I think it's a neat idea.

Now for some blog stats. This post is the 120th Nathilicious post since I started on September 1, 2004! The blog is steadily growing, I now get about 250 hits per week and about 38% of my total number of hits come from a time zone outside of the eastern time zone! Isn't that exciting? Those of you that viewed my site meter may also have noticed that I recently passed 2,700 mark on my total hit counter. Thats not even counting the first 2 and a half months! I opened up that counter at the end of November. Sadly Roach informed me that there was a rumor going around school that my blog was giving away free kegs back in December. I should probably attribute most of those hits to him as he repeatedly visited my site in frustration...sigh...
I'd like to keep encouraging you to post comments if you enjoy my blog, even if it is just a simple "ugh" to let me know that you're alive out there. Blogger has recently updated the commenting section so you can now comment, with your name and web site address, without signing up for blogger. There really is no reason not to comment now unless you're just plain lazy.
...and if you're reading this from work or when you're supposed to be probably mute argument, ok never mind...

Now for what might be the most EXCITING announcement of the post! I have been, for quite some time now, trying to get my sister Melissa to start up her own blog. After much pestering I think I may have convinced her! She is in the process of choosing a name right now so if any of you have any suggestions then please do plug them away into a comment box and I'll run them by her.
She's almost as cool and funny as me, and she can spell better, so it's a really good thing that she's starting. I'm sure she'd be the perfect addition to the Sloan family blogline!
As soon as it is up an running count on my posting a link both somewhere in a post of my own, and on my "links" page.
In the mean time, I still have a lot of cool stuff up on my links page for you guys to check out if my blog is not hitting the spot, for whatever reason.
...dirty #$*(@&!...

I mean...uhhh...I love you anyway

And now if you'll excuse me I have some Dancing Cows to attend to. WITH MY SHOTGUN!!!!


Anonymous said...

it's hitting the spot.

Anonymous said...

I miss you like Chicago misses the sun...and...I miss that too. Return to me

Anonymous said...

Oh. by the way. It's Danielle. I wrote that.