Monday, February 28, 2005

Copious Amounts of Estrogen

I suppose no one ever technically said spring break was supposed to be fuuun....

Day one of true spring break it was a frigid 50 some degrees with rain and no sun at all. I woke up at 12:30 with an odd feeling in one ear. Stuffed up feeling. I went to the doctor around 4 to have him tell me he didn't know what it was, give me some allegra samples, and charge me $15.

You know what annoys me about doctors. Some people say they just do it for the money. I think it's something else. I think that doctors are a special breed of people that loooove making other people wait, but not just wait anywhere, in a small white room with nothing to stare at put a watercolor painting of a sailboat. They get done with one patient and then, just for the pure evil joy of it, walk around for 10 minutes talking into little tape recorders so they know you know they're out there wasting time and probably eating puffy cheetos.

So that was the doctor. I still hear myself echoing in my head. Aside from the slight headache that gives me I should be ok. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Errands to run for myself in the morning, a trip to a friend's house, and then I have to start on one devil of a project. My scene analysis for FST 203. I have to break about 20 shots down with 20 questions each and then write a detailed paper speculating what everything means and does. Will my speculations be correct? With my current track record in that class in mind, I'm afraid I have to expect that I'll fail miserably because the snob film professors will have interpreted it in an entirely different way.

Also for the same class I have to read about 70 pages of text...euuugh.

If I pass this class I fully expect to be hardcore film guy because they're obviously trying to kill the weak...KILL THE WEAAAAK!!! Ironically, in doing so they've also managed to "kill the week" for me. Ah hahahahaha.
Man I'm corny...

Has anyone told Sean Penn that he's an idiot yet? If so I don't think he understands.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

The Cape Lambert Resting

Eat Your Oats Kids!!!
Originally uploaded by link5001.

I know I promised you a really cool picture in that audio post last week but this was the best I could do. What's that? You say you want to see the ruthless merchandising of this image? Well head on over to my Online Store where you'll find a new sticker and mug sporting this version mug.

Today is the day spring break started. It really doesn't make much sense to call it "spring" since it's still February but we'll let the higher ups at the university play their little game of pretend. I was booted from the dorm (literally) at 10 AM and forced to go to Tommy's apartment and listen to him sleep for an hour to kill time before my Caswell interview. It was ok though because I got to play some video games and snoop through all of Phillip Johnson's stuff while I was there.
It was good to be back on the island and have that fresh reminder that in just a few short months I'll be working there, breathing the salt air and lassoing sea chicken's in my spare time. The interview went well ...I hope...and I really enjoyed the quality time I got to spend with Courtney, Megan, Anna, Tommy, and of course, Yam, back in the DriftInn.fart. Or whatever those youngster's are calling it now days.
After that it was a brief visit to taco chicken and a long drive laid under the sweet, sweet tones of Mr. Jack Johnson.
Wait, If I just sounded like a girl ignore that last sentence. (In it's place put some random line about football or beating someone up). Otherwise realize that JJ is the man, and that I will never put another plug for his music on this blog again, so just go listen to him.
Also, if someone can tell me where the title for this blog post came from within 5 days you get a free WilmingSloan T-shirt!

..."For some reason the guy at the pet store said they didn't carry Siberian BearCats any more...let's check Wal*Mart."...

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Nachos Must be from Heaven


I'm going to admit to just stream of consciousness writing this post right from the start. I'm totally going with what comes to me and I apologize if your brain suffers for it. If you just want a quick simple laugh the scroll bar will assist you in finding your way to the random last line of this post at the bottom. That being said, I am now going to slip into trancelike writer Nathan mode:


I thought the air carried more than tiny drops of stinging cold water as I swished through the saturated ground of the campus commons on my bike. It seems more likely now that I just imagined it. Maybe it just would have given some weird form of justification for the day but either way it didn't matter. I was almost to the dorm and it was all but behind me. That's what I kept repeating. It's nothing bad. Maybe a large shadow of a smaller obstical. Honestly though, I know that it really isn't behind me, but all around me and here I am, flying down the sidewalk, towards something that leads me right back into the mix. Still I let the rain hit my face.


Nine O'Clock already!? Only 5 hours of sleep! I still don't know why I seem to lose rational thought when the evening rolls around. You know how you think about sleeping earlier in order to not feel like crap in the morning, right after you wake up? I do that and it makes sense until night finally rolls around, then it just gets fuzzy. I stay up to late, feel like crap the next day, the cycle repeats.

Today was Nine O'Clock for my Math class at Nine Thirty. I just stared at something in my room after waking up. What? I don't remember, I think I just stared. Everything is very vague to me but I know I woke up my roommate because, in my staring, I allowed myself to be behind schedule. Fumbling around the room and making too much noise I finally got dressed and had a Capri Sun. I guess that my hurry can be blamed for my not looking out the window and my not picking up my cell phone. I did see that it was 43 degrees. I slipped on my treasured leather Jones jacket and ran to the elevator.

Outside a completely gray sky greeted me with little drops of rain smacking the concrete around. I thought about going back in to grab my raincoat but there was no time. I just ran through to my bike and "rolled out" to Bear Hall.

As I fully expected, I dozed through half of my math class. My professor is an odd mix of Mr. Sweenie from Boy Meets World and Mr. Magoo. Really nice guy but horribly boring. My next class was in Randall Library. Before heading up to the auditorium I bought an energy drink. It was like red bull only 16 oz. I was ten minutes early. There was one other guy in there. He asked me about something concerning class Tuesday since he hadn't been there. I hadn't either. We sat for a while talking about school and spring break. Before we knew it, it was 3 minutes before class and still no one else was there.

"I'm thinking maybe there isn't class and we just don't know because we weren't here Tuesday." he said.

The thought really hadn't occurred to me. A girl then came in and, after informing us of her recent trip to a Jimmy Buffet concert, took her seat. I didn't want to but I had to. I asked her if she had been there Tuesday. She hadn't either.
The other two left within the next 10 minutes. I didn't stand up for another 30 minutes. I used the dead silent auditorium of the library to my advantage, catching up on some reading for the class that I had failed to do. Not all of it, but some of it. I was still sipping on that energy drink. My chest felt weird.

The silence of that library holds a strange comfort that I'm only just beginning to appreciate.
After I finished I plodded down the big staircase to the front door where rain poured onto the commons in front of me. For the second time of the day I found myself simply staring. When I left Schwartz I had already made the decision that the Jones Jacket would not get wet. Thinking on it for a second I decided I still had reading I could do so I found a comfortable cubicle and had a seat.

Every time I sit in the cubicles at Randall I can't help but think about how they're shaped like swastikas. Why is that so funny? The silence greeted me again and encouraged me to finish even more reading that I planned on. It was broken only occasionally when a group of giggling girls would pass on their way to the auditorium or a couple of loud guys walked by on their way to the "Gov. Books" section, discussing their planes to get "messed up" this weekend. By this point the energy drink had done something to me, I'm not sure it was energizing. My heart was beating unusually hard.

The top of the desk shelf was dusty and I pushed the dust into the air. It swirled in a frenzy as dust has tendency to do when stirred, then settled again. My reading was done and thanks to the sanity thieving properties of the silence I found myself deep in thought once again.

It was then that I realized that I had been trapped in the library by the rain but that there was a reason it felt so familiar. School is trapping, and so is life and just like my hand with the dust it stirs us up only to let us settle again. This happens again and again with little hope of being that tiny bit of dust that hits the air vent at the top of the room and flies on the better things.

The ceilings in Randall are very high.

Feeling a little more depressed than usual I walked my stuff back down the staircase, now an hour and a half later, to find the same scene out the doors. That stinking rain.

The call of the Nazi cubical rang in my ear and I knew I still had work I could do. I knew there was something to keep me from the misery outside. With no cell phone and no one to call, I resigned myself once again to the misery inside.
Then that crazy voice in some deep part of my brain welled up in me and before I knew it I was carefully folding the Jones jacket and placing it in my backpack.

I knew that ride was going to be horrid, but there was a warm dorm on the other side of campus and maybe a grilled cheese sandwitch in Wag. You just can't ignore that forever.
What if toaster ovens had cell phone ring tones? That would be pretty cool.
No, nevermind, I don't want to start hearing a "please turn off your toaster over" spiel when I go to the movies...

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Proudly Serving Only German Meats!

First off let me direct your attention to my next year's roommate Devin DiMattia's Blog DiMattiaFilms. There you will find his first "radio show" that includes an interview with me. If you have an extra 10 minutes (and high speed internet, or an hour and dial-up) I suggest you download the show's two portions and listen to them. You'll thank me when you're finished. I'm still laughing...whew!

Second off...there is no second off! Spend the time you would have spent reading the rest of this post downloading.

Did anyone else ever lick their computer screens to see the little rainbows? Yaaaaaay!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Then the Sheep Came in With This Huge Gas Can Strapped to it...

Mattster Chief
Originally uploaded by link5001.

Introducing, Master Matt!

Those of you who know me or follow my blog know that my good friend from back home, Matthew Johnson, is and has been an involved prop and costume replicator and collector for the past few years. His favorite's include movie and television pieces but he has been known to stray into other categories from time to time. His latest project takes him into a whole new realm of costuming. It is a Master Chief costume as seen in the Halo series of video games released by Microsoft's Bungie Studios for the Xbox game console. I was able to catch up with Matt earlier today and get the inside scoop on this project.
Before continuing it should be noted that this costume replica is strictly a labor of love and fan art and is not remotely intended for commercial sale.

WilmingSloan: Hello Matt, thanks for coming!

Matt: Well, thank you good sir.

WS: As you know we're here to talk about the Master Chief Armor as well as your prop/costume hobby in general. Let's start at the basics. What first got you interested in this hobby?

Matt: Star Wars costumes mostly.

WS: When did you start working on this stuff and what were some of the first things you worked on?

Matt: I started working on props in late 2002, and have gone from characters such as Jango Fett and Batman to Master Chief as seen in Halo 2

WS: Speaking of Master Chief, what is involved in this project?

Matt: Well all the armor components come as individual pieces that have to be glued together. Then any gaps must be filled in and eventually this process leads to priming and painting the piece. I make it sound easier than it really is though, this is not a project for someone with limited modeling skills

WS: So it is a full body suit of armor then?

Matt: Yes pretty much. There are a few exposed areas that revel nylon/spandex of the under suit.

WS: What drew you to this particular project?

Matt: I really just enjoyed the video game and figured this was THE piece of memorabilia to own from it

WS: I understand that you chose to go with an alternative set rather than the better known Nightmare Armor sets floating around out there. Is there any reason for this?

Matt: Yes, the alternative to Nightmare Armor was chosen because it was A) half the price and B)a much higher and professional quality

WS: At what point in the process are you currently at?

Matt: Assembling the helmet right now. It's quite a bit of gluing and cutting.

WS: Can you tell us about paint/detailing at this stage?

Matt: Well, [the armor] obviously must be primed so it will stick to the surface correctly. Then I paint the main color(a moss green) and after it is dried I will scratch areas off and paint over with silver to make "battle damage" and weathering

WS: How long to you anticipate the entire project to take?

Matt: Depending on the arrival of the next pieces and their condition, I'd say 1-3 months of work. It's a tremendous undertaking.

WS: Finally, once completed, what would you personally value the costume at. Time and Labor included (if you can estimate at this point.)

Matt: Somewhere around 2500-3000 dollars

WS: All right Matt, thanks for your time. Keep us updated and GOOD LUCK!

Matt: Thank you!

For more from the mind of matt visit his blog at
For an Image of Matt's '89 Batman costume visit this link to my Flickr album BatMatt
For more on Master Chief and Halo visit the official Bunge site,

Domo arigoto Mr. Roachboto....

Double Decker Honda Element

this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, February 21, 2005

...Meanwhile, Back in Dr. Mom's Laboratory...

Misery requires company...three is company...

I don't have a good answer for why but tonight Caroline, Catherine, and I will be camping out (literally in a tent) for housing. We heard rumors that people would be getting in line at 2 AM and so to ensure that we get a place to live on campus, because there is a GROSS shortage of space, so we will be out there all night. Stay tuned as I will pobably do an audio post from my cell phone in the middle of the night. We aren't crazy...we're smart. DANG IT

Also, my shoe horn is better than yours...

What's Wrong With a Little Panda Birth?

The week that just dangles on the edge, an annoyance but a partial necessity.

I just turned in my "big" paper for the week. Also note: my Psych test was moved back due to my professor's getting nauseous in class last week and calling it off early. What does this mean? The rest of the week is just here to get on my nerves. Spring break is less than a week away but still hours of lecture and blah blah blah taunt me. I'm sure I'll pull through but not before gnawing one of my fingers off during my film screening today. We're watching another movie from the dark ages that WAS relevant, inventive, and interesting back when it was made. Now I'm sure it's just another glowy old film.
Of course I respect old films but on the rainy first day of the last week before spring break perhaps you can understand my appraisal of the situation.

In other news, I'm almost afraid to admit this, but I think I like Jack Johnson now. Not because I think he's "dreamy" or "cool" because he's a surfer dude but because his music is so mellow that you just want to stare at something. My head involuntarily begins nodding to most of his songs and no matter how hard I try to stop it happens again. I've never been high but if I had to guess and what it would be like this would be as close as I could come to giving a accurate description. I highly suggest some of you go out and give a listen to his album "On and On."

I don't know why you've been told but this here Nathan's getting him some wag.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Some 40 Years

Originally uploaded by link5001.

The Laughing Man on the Market Walk

He sits because he hardly needs
the structure or the helping hands
of those committed, selfless even,
pulling him to make him stand.

He sits, if even, for a moment
makes us think that we were sovereign
makes them question, each their father.
Shares with them a peaceful grin.

To pass a judgment seems too easy
Almost gives him ample credit.
More deserving, maybe of the
Sharpened end of life's trevat.

He sits to ask his only question
Posed to him by some obsession

"Some change?" a passive hand slides by
And us? We have no alibi.

So in our pockets we must go.
More and more it's likely though,

That we will leave him sitting there
While laughter carries his despair.

Would it be campy of me to do the poet and didn't know it joke?

Ok so I need to head out to class ...DANG
I'll catch you guys on the back nine!

Lovely are the grapes of some man's vineyard that is not thine own...
aside from that making no sense...I'M ON FIRE TODAY!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by link5001.

I'm so proud...

Reading is becoming an overwhelming burden for me here at the DUB. I've fallen completely behind....I'm not reading as much as I'm supposed to, but in my defense, if I were reading as much as I'm supposed to I'd have to laminate every page in my books and read in the shower as well. Plus I would have to do the laminating while reading another book that I'm required to read so as not to waste time.

Caroline went to the beach today, citing that it has, in fact, been a beautiful day. She invited me about an hour ago and right now I'm hating myself for not going. What better way to read my ridiculous amount of material than in the splendor of nature's beaches? I opted for AIM and Halo and now I must pay with reading in a confined and overly heated room.

Roach is competing the the UNCW Spring Endurance Challenge today. I would have entered myself if the entry test didn't require me to do more pull ups than I've done total in my lifetime. He still proudly displays his winning plaque from last year above his bed. Wonder if he'll gain another?

It was a beautiful day today and I'm really hoping that's a sign of more beautiful days to come. I'm ready for spring and spring break. I'm going to go crazy if it stays cold much longer and I'm all caged up in here like I'm in some...horrific...cubicle at an office or something. I decided that while generally, seagulls piss me off, I like them when they make that squawking noise as I'm drifting around campus on my bike. It's almost like some crazy scene from a "nathan" movie or something.
Speaking of "nathan" movie, I haven't made much progress on my next personal project or my 203 class. That class is sometimes interesting but in the end it's actually garbage. They try to weed out the weak and even us strong suffer the consequences. I'm going to have a rough grade in there if things don't shape up quickly.
Perhaps the most annoying thing of all is that it's all just a bunch of BS anyway. They could teach that SAME class, teach it more efficiently, and tech us more, if they would just cut out all the confusing "I'm making this up as I go" seeming lecture time. I find myself listening to my professor say stuff like this a lot.
"Does anyone have any idea why this teacup is here and why it's green?"
Now a logical answer might be that its there because it's tea time or that it will be important later on when someone's tea is poisoned. The professors seem to think we have to go into all this speculative CRAP about why said teacup is green (green is a motif through the film for things that go sour. Now isn't that a delightful little intellectual high you get from knowing that ???...MUAH HAHAHAHAHA) and such nonesense. As a result we spend most of the class listening to that kid that just says whatever pops into his head, regardless of weather it makes a fappin'' ounce of sense, who mostly just to hear him/herself talk. I spend my time wishing we were actually holding a camera, making a movie, and learning by trial and error.
You guys know the kid I'm talking about. There is always one in each class.
So that's how I feel about 203. Hopefully I'll be able to sell out and listen to their bunk for the rest of the semester just enough to pass so that I can move forward to more concentrated classes, or a better film school...GULP.

Confucius Say: Bite the Wint-O-Green lifesaver in the will see sparks.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Phospholipid....Dang That's a Funny Word

The Hugs
Originally uploaded by link5001.

Apparently Valentine's day isn't always a happy occasion. I don't know what these two are complaining about...look at all those adorable fluffy stuffed "things" on their bed. Awww..Amanda and Katie are awesome. CHEER UP!

I haven't talked much about my fitness in the past three months because...well...I haven't worked out in probably three months. That has all changed and I'm back on "The Tommy Plan."
About a week ago I started back up with the rigorous 3 day a week weight training, 3 day a week running fitness routine. Tommy Roberson is leading me (hence it's being "The Tommy Plan") and those of you that know him from UNCW, Caswell, or any given Rave at Club Fusion, should know that Tommy keeps himself in pretty good shape.
This insures at least some level of hilarity at the gym every night. Tommy benching 200 pounds...nathan benching 95....Tommy curling 50 pounds...Nathan curling 20....Tommy running a mile in 6:50...Nathan in 7:30.
Even so, I remain optimistic thanks to Tommy's encouraging words of, "Hey, I guess you gotta start somewhere" and "I usually think of an ex-girlfriend to help me get through the hard sets."
If all things go according to plan...I should be able to punch through a brick wall by this summer...
Or like...maybe sheet rock.

Can YOU find the spider on the front of the $1 bill???

Monday, February 14, 2005

The Curse of the Ramen Noodle...

Roach in Boots
Originally uploaded by link5001.

Happy Valentine's Day!

I figured out how to hook my DV camcorder up to my laptop and use it as a web cam the other day and now I'm sadly addicted to staring at myself on the computer screen. Oddly enough a mirror doesn't have the same effect one me. One cool thing is that I can talk to people over long distances with no phone charges!
Wow I'm a nerd...
get a web cam and a mic for your computer and I'll harass you!

So I'm skipping class today. I got back a little late from running some errands and just couldn't make it. I'm not at all upset about missing the classes, however, because in truth I'm just happy to be alive.
I stopped by Wal*Mart to pick up some necessities (film, Capri Sun, ect.) and to get my mom a card. Sounds like a sweet thing to do right?
It was cut throat on those isles! People cutting you off...leaning over you...OPPRESSING YOU FROM EVERY ANGLE. It was surly the opposite of sweet. I haven't feared for my life that much since ...well...since the last time I saw an angry dragon.
So if you don't have a Valentine just be thankful that you're alive. If you did have one it could be a much different story...

Never underestimate the creepiness of a mean one-legged crow on a rusty shopping cart.

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Empty Clip

The Sorce of Power
Originally uploaded by link5001.


This image was taken earlier this afternoon in my side yard as Matt and I prepared for the second JCC Halo 2 tournament. We were prepared. Having practiced all week on Xbox Live (over the internet) with each other and for over an hour this afternoon, not even Matt's mystical wallet would have predicted the night end like this. has.
We both took first round handily, Matt placed 3rd of 16 and I, 4th. Then came the second round. Not only was it annoying to have to switch rooms but the room they switched us to had a DARK (so dark) and FUZZY projector. The map was small and it just didn't spell good fortune for us. Without the needed visual quality Matt and I both went down together. just out of reach of the top 8.
I was 9th and he 10th, both of us managing a miraculous 40 kills despite the annoying Mr. Magoo effect they sentenced us with. I wish I could say better luck next time to the both of us, but I just don't know if I'll be going back...but my own Halo tournament may shift back into high gear!

Thankfully, in every loss you can find at least a small victory. There was time I got to spend with my long lost friend, there was Taco Bell, and the tickle girl in the computer lab. My favorite part of the night came from out of nowhere though. A small black girl, the daughter of one of the ladies working the event, walked up to each of us individually and handed out sweethearts. Children are so sweet (the good ones are anyway) and in such a simple act she shared a kind of beauty rarely seen in adults. Innocence is their ally, but even without it, we can all afford to learn from them.

Popular alternatives to "Stop, Drop, and Roll":
1) "Run, Scream, and Burn"
2) "Get Down, Turn Around, Go To Town"

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Fighting in the Octagon

I'm about to start another horrid journey to Wal*Mart for some necessities. (Don't tell Devin...he'll punch me with his Lowe's Foods branded fist...) One of the necessities includes a padded manilla envelope that will be used to send Caroline's video professor cds back. That's right, the ones that I made her order so that I could get a free iPod, which I'm still working on by the way! It turns out they charge you $70 if you don't call and cancel and return. The call was like tapping into some gestapo line. First she was trying to fake me out that she was nice then she suspected that I wasn't said "Caroline Neely" and began her interrogation, also informing us, in a very threatening manner, that our call was being recorded. SHEESH! Needless to say, I am no longer recommending video professor to any of my other friends.

So let me give you all a little more on Devin. Devin Dimattia, DimattiaFilms, is lined up to be my new roommate in Schwartz for next year. Now aside from having HUGE shoes to fill in replacing Brett Roach up here in 314, it is still yet to be seen what kind of situation living with him will be. I'm sure we'll meet soon concerning our pet peeves, ideal living arrangements, ect. ect. Hopefully it'll work out for the best. As you can see Devin is a film student like myself. I met Devin through the Flicker Film Society, the campus film studies club, and worked with him more closely as team members of Nuclear Space Zombie on short film "T.P." that we did for the One Take Film Festival. Devin was a long time employee of Lowe's Foods and remains loyal to his store, while taking every opportunity to preach the evils of Wal*Mart.
Will our like interest cause a clash of personality? Will I ever be able to shop at Wally World again? Will our room melt due to awesomeness caused by the presence of two Apple computers in it at once? Stay tuned to find out.

That's nothing a little lemon drop in the eye won't fix young lady!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Two Neat Rows on my Remote Controls

I promise I'm not trying to hear you...

Have you ever been just walking around minding your own business and people find the need to force you to eaves drop on their stupid conversations? I find myself in such predicaments all the time. Due to the environment commonly encountered while in college it's never too difficult to find a couple of loud mouths between classes. Earlier today I walked by a couple of my favorites, two professors with their briefcases and their suits, one an older man with a beard and the other a lady in her 30s. I go scooting by just in time to hear the "HWA HAHAHA" of one of their witty intellectual jokes. A walk across commons bridge introduces me to a girl, her friend, and her crazy love life. In parting she felt the need to shout just how good he was. Thanks...good to know...
Is there something about me that says "Hey, I want to hear a fragment of your conversation so please start talking loudly!"? It is as if every time I move closer from 15 feet to someone their voice level goes up exponentially. A lot fo the time it's girls laughing really loudly.
I can always tell when a girl is laughing for real and when she's doing it because she's nervous or excited.
Then if I hear something and want to comment on it to the siren that is spewing it out to the world, suddenly I'm the bad guy for "listening in." If you don't want my input don't broadcast it on the public airwaves. Luckily for most of them I don't comment for fear that my intelligence level would be reduced as a result of any verbal exchange.

In other news my bike's front wheel is scraping the brakes. I feel like I'm pulling myself AND Michael Moore on a pair of wooden skis behind me everywhere I go. It's quite frustrating when I'm late for class and heading up that last hill before Morton. Sometimes I just get off and walk. I think I'll go fix my brake now if I can find an Alan wrench.


Saturday, February 05, 2005

My Rocket Ship's 8-track Player.

The Best Map
Originally uploaded by link5001.

One of my friends made a great map for me. Thought you might want to check it out for yourselves.

In other news I've once again struck it big on the Lindsay Diaries. For a couple of fresh pictures of me in Lindsay's apartment head over to her live-journal through the link provided on my "links" page.

I think I may have eaten at the seafood restaurant to end my love of seafood tonight. I got a broiled seafood platter and was highly displeased. I think it was mainly due the fact that when seafood isn't friend you can actually see what it looks like. Needless to say its a few hours later and I'm still hungry.

I thought I was going to get an upgrade to photo shop tonight but sadly that won't be happening. Apparently I purchased the wrong software and ...yes...the seal is broken so it's a totally useless piece of crap now. That stinks.

To the people at journey ed....I hope you all trip on a curb somewhere in public and people laugh out loud at you. I probably wouldn't mind if you break your noses as well.

Naturally this all leads me to talk about smells. Smelling is the sense I think I least appreciate in daily life. I like smelling stuff but for all the great smells there are also some pretty lousy ones. Like one of the guys I used to work with's house. I think he slaughtered moose and stored their carcasses beneath the floorboard of the room we always hung out in. The only smell I can recall that might bring some people to their knees in tears. Pretty potent stuff. If I had to lose something...I think it would be smell...but then I like smelling nice things so I don't know. I could get rid of touch or something...

ha no, yeah smell would go.

A good kilt will run you well over $1,000 dollars...
...and even more GBP

Thursday, February 03, 2005

"If You Think About It I'm Really Dumb"

Customer #1
Originally uploaded by link5001.

(Above, Stephen ((AIM name= biggSTEVE 81)) models his WilmingHoodie....NIIIICE!!!)

The hooded sweats have been changed to the "Sloaner or Later..." version but you better get them while it's cold! Cafepress stops stocking hoodies in the spring and summer months!

Phillip wrote me a poem today in Psych class. I have a feeling he stole it from a popular movie...hmmm...Here it is:

Totally, for sure
I just got a MAN-acure
The sun, I swear
Is bleaching out my gorgeous hair
24...34...I don't even know the score
So Go! Go! Fight! Fight! Gee I hope I look alright!

Nice job know how it is...
Prose before Hos man, for real!

Old man rain totally soaked me today but that's the story of school here at UNCW. I spent a large part of the afternoon cooped up in my room. It was not wasted time though, as I finally started work on my first script. All the ideas that have been floating around in my head for a short movie may finally find a page to call home in the next few weeks!

Someone told me hover boards were real...can anyone confirm that?

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Love Comes in an Email

What's the world coming to these days...

Tonight I will be attending yet another Sea Hawk basketball game but not before completing my "experiment" for psychology. See...part of the requirements for the class is that you subject yourself to the torment of the psychology department's pointless and boring surveys. I spent a hour reading case files and judging guilt or innocence yesterday and today I'll get to "rate words." Gee, wonder what that can mean? I'm serious...that's really vague. They just tell me I have to rate words....HOW? OH that's a good word...I give it a ten! I can handle that kind of stuff. Of course it'll be something like how the word makes me feel and rate the severity of that feeling. I hope they don't mind my putting "mind numbingly bored" as a rating for practically every word.

Roach told me a funny story today. He was waiting at the crosswalk in front of the Rec center on his bike when out of nowhere this kid on bike rocketed into him from behind. Roach fell into a crumpled heap over the top of his bike and the other kid sped off and turned his head to say "my bad" on the way. Totally dumbfounded by what had happened Roach just lay there for a second...then, in typical fashion, hopped back on his bike and blazed a trail to class behind the bike kid. He caught up with him in front of his classroom building and apparently had an exchanging of words. Roch was like,
"Hey you. that was rude back there."
"Oh dude, my brakes aren't working man, sorry"
"But you just sped off. You didn't even come back to help me up. That's rude dude."
Of course I'm censoring the various explicatives that were in the original dialogue but you get the point. He said he just wanted to let the kid know how rude he was and said that the kid still didn't get it. He just didn't want to get killed so he agreed and departed.

I added a new shirt to my store and I have to say, it's delightful and I want one. It's a Schwartz Hall shirt (the dorm I live in) and its just freaking awesome. You should check it out. If you haven't already I highly recommend that you take the two seconds to subscribe to my online shop's newsletter. It is just below the archives on the sidebar. A little Sloan spam never hurt anyone.

I'll grind your bones to make my...