Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Mark of the Molten Chocolate Chip

Note Scrap
Originally uploaded by link5001.

8:00 AM Classes deserve to be slept through! They're asking for it! What business have they being all...early and stuff?

Yesterday I went and got a new Bible (NLT version) only to bring it back and realize that its the OLD NLT version and not the new one so now I have to take it back. This puts me in an interesting dilemma. I'm going to take a BIBLE back! Isn't that wrong somehow?
"Well, you see, this copy of God's Holy word isn't exaaaaaactly what I'm looking for. Do you have anything with a pink and lime green dueltone leather cover?"
Honestly I shouldn't worry about it but if the newer version is the newer version it must have been updated for a reason you know? At least I'm not exchanging it for such superficial reasons.

Coldplay is indeed a go-go and I'll be going with Caroline and my sisters Elizabeth and Melissa. Interestingly enough, I won't be able to escape the icy death grip of my kind and loving roommate, Devin, as he got tickets long ago and will probably be meeting up with us there, along with his guest, fellow dormie, Merri.
In a few short weeks expect a full report on how hilarious it is to watch drunk people try to "rock hard" to the mellow tones of Coldplay.

If you've felt any rumblings and thunderings around lately, fear not! It isn't the laughter of all evil people associated with the raising of gas prices by 25 cents last night. It's the Thunder of approaching excitement as the 1 year anniversary of WilmingSloan approaches! So go ahead kids, make some thunder of your own!

In certain situations I maintain that it is perfectly acceptable to punch your aunt and then wink at your uncle.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Emo Taco

So much for more free time.

Ahhh! Home again I am! For a scant two days I get to enjoy some time off from the already heckishly busy schedule of school. Be sure to stop by here on September 1 as there will be something crazy cool happening to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of this blog!

It appears that I'm going to be going to the Coldplay concert in two weeks which should be pretty awesome. I'll keep you guys updated.

Since the once a week updating continues in my area (and I PROMISE once things settle down I shall return with full force) I highly suggest you go to my links section located at the top of the page and browse around.

And don't forget to order your EMO TACO!

Friday, August 19, 2005

The President of the International League of Soccer Moms...

Just a short one to bring some of the speed up to ya.

Classes started Wednesday and WHOOPY DOO! What do you know but my schedule was doomed from day one. My MWF Italian class had to be moved in with all my other classes on TR (long story) and so now I have once class on MWF and ...well, 4 on Tuesday and Thursday.

One of my classes is public speaking in which I will be made to give 4 speeches. I now hate myself for signing up for this class.
I kid, I kid. I'm sure I'll astound my classmates with my...ability to make them all feel better about talking in front of people.

So I got on the topic of fantasies the other day with my girlfriend (PLEASE NOTE: THE TOPIC WAS DEALING WITH CLEAN FANTASIES) and the idea came to me. How awesome would it be if you were a super hero, and your super power was the ability to make a Wendy's Classic Triple appear on the floor in the middle of your room between the hours of 2 and 4 AM? Even better would be the fact that you couldn't will it when you wanted it. You'd just wake up in the morning some mornings and there'd be a hot fresh burger. MMM MMM GOOD!

The job hunt is on and I've turned in a few applications to different places. I've actually got an interview at one of them. Babbages (no not cabbages, thankfully) the video game store also know as "Game Stop" has called me in for a monday date. Hopefully that will go over well, I'd love to work there. I also put in one at the Game Stop near campus and the EB at the mall. Of course we can't forget Sam Goody, where they said they'd be hiring soon and probably give me a call. YES YES YES YES. If I get a job this year you all are in for a special treat as I'm sure it will provide me with humorous entertaining stories to share.

I love you...and your mothers. (and everyone else...gosh)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

All Non-stinky Hamsters Please Report to the "Don't Exist" Room

Get ready...
Originally uploaded by link5001.

I think Jeffery's face is a good illustration for the feeling I have right now. Classes start tomorrow and I haven't even gotten my books yet. The move in went well. Devin got in on Monday (I did on Friday) and we seem to have gotten the most awesome dorm theater set up around. It's very spacious and, actually, arranging everything over the weekend has made me feel a little more like an interior decorator. That puts the overall feeling up to a -35 on the "Possible carreer-ometer"

As always I have a MILLION brilliant ideas on what to write about here but they never seem to stay in my head for longer than 30 minutes before they are lost into oblivion. So, keep your fingers crossed that some of them make it as I go into the coming week.

I've also got to start looking for a job. I hear Radio Shack is hiring, but in recognition of the fact that working there would put me over the brink and into the hopeless loser category, I'm going to look elsewhere for the next little while anyway. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a bookstore or coffee shop or something mildly hip so that some of the cool kids on campus will get to know me.

...and if they don't they aren't cool...they're just dirty hippies...

So here is Hoping for a fantastic WilmingSophomore!!! God bless us all!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Flying Squirrels 16% Less Lame than Regular

Rotten to the Core

Man on Man! I was worse off than I thought! I went to my uncles office, and for those of you that don't know him, he's a dentist. I've had the good fortune of always being fond of the dentist because of that fact, but now that I've gone through the painful process of a filling I know why so many people dislike them. Oh...but that's not all ladies and gents. I had 4 nasty fillings to have done. You know, the procedure wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't that bad. Oh no...the procedure isn't bad at all, its the 5+ HOURS OF FEELING LIKE YOU HAVE NO FACE THAT STINKS.

I spent the better part of the afternoon asleep in an attempt to avoid the sensation. At least padre made me dinner since I had to watch him eat lunch and suck my lip up repeatedly while drinking my milkshake. Mmmm Mmmm good!

Now that I got all of that out there I feel much, much better.

Only Two days until Dub-time!!!

How I miss my Caswell friends!!!!

Monday, August 08, 2005

When I Built Your Mom I Put a Bow in her Hair

Sun Sets Over Caswell
Originally uploaded by link5001.

Say good-bye to the crazies...

It happened again. For the third time in a row, a summer ended and I had to pack up and leave one one place away from home that I can honestly say I feel just as comfortable at. Caswell 2005 is now behind me and I'm sad to say that I don't know for absolute sure if I'll ever get to go back and work there again. Hopefully God will lead me to serve another summer there but I know I'll eventually have to be open to other opportunities.

All that sadness behind I have to say that I really look back on it and appreciate all the great things I got from it.

Wonderful friends, like none I've ever or will ever meet anywhere else.

Wonderful memories with those friends. Experiences that make me both laugh and cry. Both tore me down and built me up.

Experiences with God that I couldn't have anticipated going in. I thought working Hatch would become a job. It became the biggest blessing to me.

To everyone who had a part in making Caswell what it was this summer. I give you my most sincere thanks. I look forward to seeing you again, if not sooner, then later. ;-)

To everyone else, this means that WilmingSloan is back in action! I'll be moving back into UNCW this friday and I should start a regular 3 day a week posting schedule then.

My uncle's pet nose monkey took the alan wrench set from the garage and now I have to hunt him down...