Monday, October 31, 2005

I Bet That Horse is Tired of Bagpipes

Death Gardens for Anheuser

So I disappeared again, sorry. You're in luck though! I have two reviews today! One will be for the Death Cab for Cutie Concert I went to on Thursday night and the other will be for Busch Gardens, Williamsburg's Howl-O-Scream Halloween events.

So who the heck is Death Cab For Cutie? :: Well, the easy answer is that they are a band. The longer answer would be that that are a remarkably interesting, unique, independently made band that is gaining more and more attention by the hour. If you haven't heard of them before, you may also heard of The Postal Service, an electronic group that shares it's lead singer with Death Cab. After the smashing success of the album "Give Up" by The Postal Service, Death Cab signed on to Atlantic records, ending their era of indy. Doesn't bother me though, because their new album "Plans" doesn't show any signs of fact, it's great.

Caroline and I got to the "Disco Rodeo" in Raleigh early. It was freezing but we had to wait in line for 45 minutes amidst the gaggles of 15 year old "I'm going to talk so loud everyone can hear me because I'm 15 and I'm retarded" kids. It's unfortunate that Disco Rodeo doesn't at least draw the line at 18...sigh. Once we got in the door, we b-lined for the t-shirt counter and while buying these AWESOME green shirts, Devin's (my roommate's) girlfriend found us and told us where to go. Which happened to be where Devin was standing. Which happened to be about 15 feet from the stage. It was cramped and this annoying old guy kept breathing heavily onto the top of my head, but it was well worth it to be that close.

The opening band "Stars" surprised me by being relatively decent. I won't be traipsing out to buy their cd, as my roommate will, but I enjoyed them nevertheless.

As it got closer to the time for Death Cab to come on, I found myself moving further and further to the back rail as countless drooling emo kids poured into the sides of the front section. I only moved a little though and with Caroline's camera, was able to get some sweet photos which I hope to have up here soon. In the mean time you can check out Devin's Photos. They may have come out better and he was standing virtually in the same spot I was.

Death Cab ended up running though all of their most popular songs and then surprisingly, picking out about 10 songs I'd never heard before, meaning they were from before Transatlanticism. Though it wasn't as spectacular as the Coldplay concert, I do love their music and being up in front was awesome. Give them a listen.


Imagine my excitement as the day after the concert, I'm heading home for my family. Mom, Dad, Melissa, Jeffery, Elizabeth, Craig, Caroline and myself all headed out to Busch Gardens Saturday where we hoped to be spooked by their Howl-O-Scream events. It was a bit of a disappointment when we realized that the events that might have actually scared us, were ruined by the thousands of people that poured into the park at 5 PM. Some of the 17+ "haunted houses" would have really been spooky had their been fewer people going through them at the same time as us. As it stood, the night was long lines and cold weather, (about 33 degrees.) There were moments of, what the crap...this stinks, but they were brought on by the fact that some of us liked to ride rides, other didn't, and the fact that we were all freezing.

Craig brought Caroline, Elizabeth, and I back on Sunday for rides. They caught Alpengeist and Apollo's Chariot but sadly, Big Bad Wolf was dead almost the entire weekend. All in all, I made some good memories and enjoyed getting to spend a lot of time with Craig and Elizabeth...but more careful planning will be needed if we make any future trips there.

Bread me in corn flour, fry me on a stick, and sell me for $4 why don't you!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

National Shin Kick Day!

Dorm Set
Originally uploaded by The Sloan.

Two weeks in 10 paragraphs or less...

Sorry, once again, for my leave of absence. Though I know no one out there actually lost any sleep over my virtual nonexistence for the past few weeks, it does bother me a great deal to know that I have so much to talk about and I'm either too busy or too lazy to write about any of it for such a long period of time. If I'm not careful, I could eventually end up updating as often as my cousin David (or roughly every couple of months.) Ha! I kid, of course dear cousin! In any case, here I sit writing, unashamedly in an attempt to avoid doing any of the actual work I had planned for the day, and I wonder where to begin. Ah yes! I seem to remember life 2 weeks ago, like I said...very busy...

((Imagine the rippling dream sequence effect right about now))

Fall break wasn't long enough. The Monday after it was over I had a big Old Testament exam and then a Mid-term in Silent film. Both of them had been looming over me the whole weekend, but thankfully they passed without much ado. By that I mean, of course, I failed them easily. Nothing else of any note happened the entire week. The weekend was almost as uneventful but we did pop in on a random Baptist church last Sunday and to our surprise, it was homecoming! It just so happened that we also picked the side of the sanctuary that was closest to the door to where the food was. Long story short, we were done eating while the members were still in line. Man, I still feel bad about that one, but the pastor told us not to leave so what are ya gonna do you know?

Last week I gave one of the most beautiful displays of slackdom ever to grace a college campus. After the wave of midterms before and after fall break, there was a little lull in due dates for me. I still had quite a bit of study to do but when I got the free time, rather than play "get prepared" for this coming week, I decided to play "read ghost stories" and "drool in cup" which worked out quite well for me then. Now I'm hating it.

So what was the big news of last week? BIRTHDAYS
Three to be exact:
My mother's on Monday, Oct. 17
My girlfriend's on Friday, Oct. 21
and also on the 21, Yam's

Want to hear a funny story? At the first of the week, Caroline's friend IMs me and tells me she's planning a surprise party for her at a restaurant, and asks me to be there. On Tuseday Yam tells me he's having a get together in Wilmington for dinner, forgetting the first obligation I agree to be there as well. The day I'm supposed to be at both of these birthday parties, I get an invitation from CCF to go to a third, that very night, at the same time as Yam's.

I went to all of them


Oh, that's easy, they were ALL AT CHILIS!!! I don't know what it is about the place that screams "birthday get-together" but apparently, on the night of Thursday, Oct. 20...there was a calling and I was stuck in the middle of all of them. Under any other circumstances I would have been annoyed to spend roughly 3 hours in Chilis, but with such good friends, how can you go wrong? The food was tasty and I even got to eat my favorite dessert, a Molten. Mmmmmmmm!

So to all who had Birthdays last week...I wish you very well.

And especially to Yam, who gets special mention and to whom this post is affectionately dedicated to, because, well. He reads my blog and I SAY SO.

This weekend I went home to take the lovely Caroline to the State Fair. I thought my dear sister would be joining us but apparently the allure of her boyfriend in a speedo was too great and she opted out. That’s ok because the three of us (Dad being the third) really enjoyed the fair anyway. While there Caroline discovered she likes Italian Sausage, we all discovered that funnel cakes are still insanly delicious, and I personally discovered that I never want to drive to and from the fair agian in my life...EVER.

I also went home this weekend to get some stuff for my speech Thursday. Excuse me, make that Black Thursday. Why is it called such? Because I have a test at 8 AM in Italian, a test at 12:30 in Biology, and a speech for public speaking at 3:30. All of which I have done little preparation for. After I'm done with my speech around 4, I have to jump right into a vehicle for the 1 hour 45 minute trip to Raleigh where I'll be seeing Death Cab in concert! Then, sadly, it's all the way back to Wilmington so Caroline and I don't miss our dearly needed Friday classes before we go home THAT AFTERNOON again just in time for Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens. Busy Busy Busy, but I LOVE it. Well, except for the whole test part. After this weekend I'm pretty sure there is no let up until after preregistration which would, yes, mean Thanksgiving.

Speaking of preregistration, I'd like to know what monkey the university has picking numbers out of a hat to determine who gets to register first. I always seem, no matter what, to get the last possible day, meaning I don't get the classes I need and instead end up in Wood Chipping 105.

If ever meet that monkey...bless his soul...bless his soul.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Music is Nothing

Sorry, but every ounce of my creativity that I normally use to write these posts is being sapped by classes, lack of sleep, and other creative endeavors. Please be patient...and I'll start writing like a real boy soon, I promise!


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Devil's Food Cake vs. Angel's Food Cake!

Dino Pillow
Originally uploaded by link5001.

A world of Poo...

Ah! Public restrooms. You may try hard to avoid them but sooner or later they're going to catch up with you. I really don't know why I'm writing this short post on bathrooms, other than perhaps it's because I have to use one every single day. Now, what exactly do I have to say about them? Not much, just that I've isolated 5 things that ALL public restrooms must have to be inducted into the Union of Public Restrooms...a fictitious organization that, while not real...could exist.


5. Obnoxius fan and/or air freshening system.
In the dark ages, public restrooms used to be known for their unbearable stench. While in many, this is still the case, most have implemented some form of air alleviation. Usually a fan that's conveniently just loud and rattly enough to mask your escaping gas. In Schwartz's case, we have a little spritzy air spray that goes of just in time to scare the crap out of you...which is a good thing in some instances.

4. Horrible/No Mirror
The mirror may be riddled with some strange brown may be mounted too low, too high, or on the wrong wall entirely. Heck there can even not be a mirror at all!

3. At Least One Dysfunctional Toilet
You know, broken toilet seat...never ending flush at all...just general crappyness of a toilet. In extreme circumstances, a prefect functioning toilet that looks absolutely hideous will be considered.

2. Stall With Token Swastica
Maybe there aren't that many Nazis left in the world, I hope not, but somewhere in the rest room (preferably a stall wall or door) there needs to be a crudely marked swastika.

1. Resident Stall Door Gremlin
This little gremlin is necessary to come in and break any stall door latches that happen to be in proper operating order.

There you have it. Make sure your public restroom meets these requirements and it's in!

Mineral water is pure garbage.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Wooden Rooster Holds Our Keys

God Bless Reflectors!

I wasn't going to post today...probably because I'm filthy stinking filthy...slept 'til 1....and am FILTHY. But then I changed my mind because I remembered how LUCKY I am to be alive. I left school Wednesday night at 6:45. It was pouring rain. You know the little reflector thingies that they put between the dots on the interstate. I used to hate those things...I mean, come on, how lame are they? They just sit there between the BRIGHT YELLOW lines and attempt to make the middle of the road more visible...but who needs them? They just make an annoying bump under your car when you change lanes.

I'm oh so happy for them now.

I'm thoroughly convinced that, in that torrent of rain I was in, had it not been for the reflector thingies I'd be either dead, or lodged in the fence on either side of the interstate, momentarily wishing I was dead.

Yesterday I spent the day with Matt. Some of you may remember the post I did on his Master Chief suit. Things didn't work out with the Master Chief...but they could reemerge later. Right now he is putting together a comic style Batman the vein of the "Hush" series. To start things off he very impressively sculpted his own cowel (otherwise known as a mask) and had a cast made of it from which he now makes latex copies. The brilliant.

Other than that life is the same here in Four Oaks. I have a lot of reading and studying to do so I better get back to that. Some break, huh?

Life would really suck if you were haunted by Jimmy Fallon's ghost...think about it...

Monday, October 03, 2005

One Old, Leering Sea Dog at a Time

Top Tarts
Originally uploaded by link5001.

What do you want to do when you grow up?

So that's the question that I (and most college students) have been dealing with for the past few years. The answer is, I'm on track to be a film studies major and I don't foresee changing that soon.
What does that mean for after I graduate? I don't know...but let's look at what I'd still like to do/be.

I'd LIKE to graduate with a film studies...AND creative writing degree. My chances of using my degree is better if I have two right? Then I'd like to be a Rock Star. Yeah, that's right...a real one. Go on tour and rock the country. But even if I'm not a rock star, I'd like to tour the country after I graduate.

But I should still be a rock star.

Then, after touring/rocking hard I write a book(s) and get them published. I then make money to live off of. Then I write more and more until I have a pretty good little name for myself, then I take seminary classes and get a degree in that....maybe at night. JUST BECAUSE...I want to know stuff. After that, my writings become popular enough for me to write my own indie script...and raise fundage for it. I cast talented no names in it and it's a big hit for a small film. More films, of course, follow. By this point I'm no older than 28. I go back to college for my MFA in Film and soon hunt for the job security of teaching as a professor at a university. In my spare time I still write, make movies, and rock hard in my band...

Something tells me this is going to be a really hilariously depressing post in 10 years.

No, I wouldn't pawn your fillings if you died in the house...I promise.