Sunday, October 31, 2004

Watch Me As I Moonwalk on Your Face.

A random collection to round out the month....enjoy!

* I made an interesting observation the other day. John Kerry's hair closely resembles the hair of famous slavery advocate, John C. Calhoun.

*A Haiku from me to You

The beautiful girl walks up
Nathan turns his head
she asks him to go away

* I'm still sick from a virus I caught over a week ago. I don't know why I put this up here. Uh, just know that it sucks.

* Performing my civic duty on Saturday was a real "treat." I had to wait in line, WITH MY FAMILY, for nearly 2 hours to vote. Oh well, at least I have the right to complain like a whiny old lady for the next four years if my candidate doesn't get elected.

* Maturity is over-rated. There is a time when everyone needs to be mature and a time when people need to realize that being so serious makes them more stressed and less fun to be around. You aren't fooling anyone you suit wearing closet hippie!

* Ellen DeGeneris' TV show is funny and I like her...even if she is a lesbian.

* It took me 546 licks to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop.

* Shopping is something to be done alone, with an attractive girl, or not at all. Especially not with parents. (of course I'm being sarcastic, geeze stop writing that hate mail!)

* To go to UNCW and be (cool) one must apply for and be an extra on the WB series "One Tree Hill." In a related revelation "One Tree Hill." as well as "The WB" were conceived by Satan in the 5th level of Hell and we should all douse our TV sets in Holy Water.

I hope you all (all 3 of you, man you guys are great!) have enjoyed the first two months of my (near) daily rantings and moan fests on this Blog. I know that I have personally enjoyed flexing my writing muscle and seeing just how weak it is (nearly as week as my physical muscle!) More than that I've enjoyed all the lovely feedback I've received and I hope to see nothing but more of it. Stay Tuned...

hey! My printer just flipped me grayscale!

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Forgot your password?

Time management, Sloan style.

It comes as no surprise that in the seemingly infinite amount of time I spend doing nothing, or, what amounts to nothing I have completely organized my thoughts on time management. This is the part where you say, "Now wait just a second, boo. That don't make no sense." Well, neither does Oprah's long run on television but there are some things in life we have to set aside and forget.
yes...forget Oprah....
Now doesn't that feel better?

I have come to the conclusion that a man is only two things. Created by God and what he personally does with his life. God may have a plan for your life but if you're ignorant of it you might as well throw that out of the picture. So no matter what you're either what you accomplish, or rather interestingly, what you don't do. How much time does the average person spend doing nothing every week? Well, I don't think there is any way of knowing but lets do something interesting. There are 168 hours in a week. Lets take the standard recommended daily allotment of sleep out of that, 8 hours a night or 56 of those hours. Now lets make the MORE than safe assumption that a normal person spends 5 hours a day doing unproductive stuff like, taking a poo, walking the dog, watching tv, chatting online, ect. thats an additional 35 hours a week of lost productivity. So at the VERY least I'd say people are losing 91 of their 168 hours to nothingness. Thats a bit frightening but, hey, in the end we're safe because we're still working for the betterment of mankind for 77 hours.

Now lets take a look at a week in the life of Nathan. I sleep sporadically. Sometimes 5 hours a night sometimes 12. I'd say on average I shoot for around 9. We'll go with 9 just to make progression easy. 9 yes 9 sounds like a good number. Ok, ok, I was doing that to be annoying I apologize. So that is 63 hours I flush away dreaming about bungie swinging in a huge circus tent, every week!(you laugh but its awesome.) 105 hours left to play with. Every day I spend at least an hour, all throughout the day, checking email. I just do. 70 wasted hours. Another 5 hours a week updating this jank, (don't get me wrong, I don't view this page as a total waste, just not the type of productive activity I need to be doing as a college student). 75 wasted hours a week.
To find the rest of the wasted hours lets look at the legit time I spend doing stuff each week. Around 4 hours of worship/bible study time, a number that SHOULD be increased. 13 WHOLE hours in class. About 5 hours doing outside of class classwork...again I should be doing MUCH more of that. 2 hours of club meetings. 3 hours traveling. We'll be generous and say I spend about 5 hours doing basic maintenance stuff. 5 hours in the bathroom. 7 hours eating. FOR A TOTAL OF....44 shucks...we'll say 45 hours of legit time spent each week.
Meaning a total of 119 wasted hours a week.

What does that leave me with? 49 WASTED HOURS! What the CRAP am I doing for 7 hours a day? SEVEN HOURS that I can't account for. I'm spending time talking to people I know outside of class. My family and friends on the weekends. I know I daydream a lot but most of all my NUMBER ONE enemy is my own computer. I spend more time on it every week than I bet I do working of class work outside of class. In fact! I'm SURE of it! On occasion I've even caught myself staring at the screen and thinking, "What are you doing?" No one is online, I have nothing in particular I want to look at yet I'm browsing articles on how to make the most SINFULLY delicious brownies. What is wrong with me? Is it that I just lack proper motivation or am I just a lazy dingus that will never be able to find any. I need time management HELP so if anyone out there can help me CONTACT ME!

In fact...I'm going to put this message into the memory systems of this R2 unit...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Approx. 1 Million Angry Dragons

Just a post to let you guys know why I may not post much this weak. I'M SICKTACULAR. Apparently I've caught a "cold" that gives me a horrible fever for 7-10 days. I'll be missing class and freezing/sweating in my boxers for that length of that time. You know what really bugs me about the whole deal? The NURSE that saw me at the doctor's office on campus was just OH so happy to tell me exactly what I had and why there was no perscription that could help. Couldn't she pretend to be a little depressed for me? AND ANOTHER THING! Whats the deal with that token abstract "doctor's office" art that they put all over the walls? Is a pastel grouping of squares and circles supposed to make you feel better? Oh well, just another one of life's mysteries...

This would be 10% less painful if I had a pet squirrel

Monday, October 25, 2004

Parenthetical Paradise Part 2

Department of Sloanland Defense
Originally uploaded by link5001.

Locked, loaded, and ready for action sir!

I’ve never done a part 1 and part 2 before but there is a first time for everything I suppose. As I alluded to in my last post, I wasn’t feeling to hot last night. In fact, I was actually feeling too hot. Indeed I had a fever and sleeping last night was not an enjoyable experience. Lots of tossing and turning and freezing and sweating. I alson had this weird dream I was fighting a Shadow Man with a special can talk to me about that on a one on one basis. In any case it was not at all the kind of rest I had hoped for at the end of the week. I got through it, however, and woke up around lunch when mom and dad got home from church and I informed them that I wasn’t feeling well. Dad got the thermometer and sure enough! Over 12 hours later I still had a boiling 101 degrees. At times like these you have very little to do but roll over and try to rest. Of course, just because my body is sick it doesn’t mean my imagination is turned off...
I asked mom why I would have just a fever with no other symptoms and she told me that there was just an infection in me that my body was trying to fight off.
“So the process of fighting off that infection causes extra heat?”
“Yep, you got it.”
As soon as she left and I rolled over I pictured my white blood cells, (WBCs) as these big giant blobs that were stepping on and killing the bad little germs but there were so many of them that sometimes the WBCs would get overwhelmed and fall. Then I saw the WBCs with little machine guns firing on the clouds of germs. It helped kill the germs but all that firepower was heating me up on the inside....the steam of war from their guns and grenades was making me too hot. Thankfully there is something that helps this problem. Tylenol bombs act like cold bombs that strike and freeze all the action for a few hours until everyone thaws out. At that point I can drink a lot of Vitamin C to drop re-enforcement packs to my men on the front. Usually extra ammo, food, you know. With the extra support eventually the WBCs will be able to knock out the germs and from then its just a sweep up job of everything that's left.

I’m hoping that these WBCs can get me back in good working order by tomorrow. i have a big day ahead of me.

UUUUgh....perhaps I should bring in the Advil bombs for extra support...

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Parenthetical Paradise Part 1

Behind enemy lines...

This weekend (though quite ill and against sensible judgment) I attended my first big sports event. Well, not my first. I had been to an ECU football game, (back when they were good) and to a nascar race (call me a redneck...SEE WHAT HAPPENS) but not in a loooong time. The event: NC State football game, compliments of the two wonderful state ladies Amanda and Katie as well as a ticket from Ried. Don't know Ried but...thanks man! I got to pose as Evan Burnette as he was kind enough to let me borrow his ID and it was good fun. There is nothing like walking into a stadium full of crazy fans.
I have to admit, it's was a bit awkward walking into a stadium like that not being a State fan. I had this feeling that the red shirt and hat weren't going to be a convincing enough disguise and that the drunken masses would tear me apart like I'm pretty sure they would have done to the Miami fans. From 300 feet away all you hear is the loud roar of the crowd and the loudspeaker. By loud roar...I mean LOUD roar. I felt as if I was in ancient Italy walking into the colosseum during a gladiator match. People were JUST as crazy, I'm pretty sure if the players would have started ripping each others heads of the fans would have just gotten more pumped. The game went south for State and towards the end the stadium was considerably less red than it had been. We left a little early and state sad. Aside from my running a fever I really enjoyed it. Bus rides and all.

Evan...hmmm...perhaps I should stick with Begaihol Bagdasarian

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Roach and ?

Roach and ?
Originally uploaded by link5001.

Ok guys. I know I posted earlier but this was too weird not to bring up. I took a picture of my roommate (now you all know him by face) with his artwork. When the image displayed on my cameral I noticed a glare in our window but the camera screen was so small i didn't pay it any attention. After uploading it onto my computer I noticed that it appeared to be fog or something in a curious "face" shape. When I enlarged it I was quite spooked. To see the enlarged image of the face click on the photo and then go to my photostream. It should be there. If its just fog or a glare thats a pretty freaky coincednince. Someone please offer up a rational explanation so I can sleep well again!

aka: Cancer of the Chair

Originally uploaded by link5001.

I know that I haven't posted in a couple of days but it's my hope that this photograph and the story that goes along with it will help make up for it.

Another three weeks pass and its time for another 201 shoot. The whole thing took place over this past weekend with a tiny re-shoot Monday evening. I won't bore you all with the horribly bad plot but rather focus on one of the funny incidents that happened to me Monday night.

One scene called for a "romantic bathroom shot" complete with cheese, apples, candles, and an inviting bath. Now, the need for this shot had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the director has a large bathroom and is in love with, nay obsessed with it to the point of insisting that it be in every production thus far. Toss that idea away....

Well there was, as I said, an inviting bath and she had Mr. Bubble in it so it was all the more inviting. My parents never allowed me any exposure to bubbles when I was a child and, as you'll see, it was for good reason. Off to one side there are the other members of the crew talking about the nit-picky details of music while on my side of the bathroom the world is bubble-wonderful. So many bubbles and so little time to play with them. I got a little carried away and when I completely covered my face with bubbles I found myself in a predicament. Breathing caused the bubbles to fly down my throat and burn while opening my eyes revealed the truth that Mr. Bubble is NOT a "no more tears" formula. Gagging and crying I blindly stumbled across the room to the sink where the sympathetic crew gave me a glass of water and an abundancy of laughter. How kind of them to do as I narrowly avoided death! Such a moment of hysterical joy shouldn't have ended so tragically. I suppose that's just what happens when you're sheltered and the first time to try something you hit it a little too hard. I didn't know what I was dealing with.

See also: SE Johnson & Co. online warning labels and product's time to raise an awareness

Monday, October 18, 2004

COME! The Bubble Wrap Tempts You!!!

I dub thee, Sir Loser of Losington!

I was thinking today about kingdoms and how they aren't that far removed from us. When we think of a King or a Queen and their Kingdom often times we think of the middle-ages. In truth the ages of kingdoms are only a couple of hundred years away from us. Somewhere along the line the dang Americans screwed everything up with their democracy. BAH! I want my own kingdom...and I want it so bad that I'd probably move out to a deserted island just to have one. I think it would be cool. I'd bring a lot of farmers and doctors and people that knew how to make stuff...and probably Bill Gates, he'd help the economy. Then we'd take all of Gate's money and make our own currency. I'd get half...Bill would get 20% and the other 30% would be divided among the townspeople. We'd build stone houses for everyone and I'd have a palace where I'd wear my HUGE "hero" crown when we had big important events and my thin-line crown (not a tiara) whenever I was just chillin' doin' my king thing. There would be free healthcare. We'd develop something really cool that you could only get from our Island and then make good money off trade. Hmm....better put Bill to work on that. Then there would be free education and it would be GOOD education. Except there is no higher level math required after Algebra 1. really want the other stuff. Lastly I'd have a 500 man army and they're be totally BA. They'd be trained in hand-to-hand by asians but they'd watch lots of westerns and learn how to be completely cowboy with their guns. In addition they'd all be wearing bullet proof armor and they'd carry 3 foot long titanium swords just in case they ran out of bullets. My face would be somewhere on the handle as well as the "Phrase of the Kingdom" which would be "Til the BLOODY END!!!" because that sounds real hardcore. And you KNOW that the US would be all trying to take over my awesome kingdom so we'd have to be hardcore. But its no biggie because Bill would probably make an energy shield to go over the islands that would be activated by mechanical whales.

Don't give me that "I've never heard of a mechanical whale" face!

Sunday, October 17, 2004

What To Do When Everything Smells Like Popcorn

Your foot may be in the door but it could get smashed!

Sometimes things happen for a reason and other times things just happen and you don't know why it matters whether it had a reason or not. Tonight something interesting happened that I can't decide what will come of. I was over at a friend of mine's apartment mulling over one of our 201 projects when, just before I left, he threw me script with the title The Forgiven on it. Something felt different about that paper, something magical. I soon found out it was because it was the first real script I've ever held.

Turns out that The Forgiven is an Independant being filmed here in Wilmington. It's not a student independant, but a real legitamate one! My friend informed me that they were looking for any and all students that would work free on an internship basis to make it happen and said he had saved a spot for me at a meeting he is going to have later this week with one of the producers. The shoot will last about 3-4 weeks and I'd have to work at odd times to fit my schedule but I'd be perfectly ok with that. I'm thinking about working on cameras as of now but I might see if I can get in on some set work. Ben if you're reading this you're the MAN!!!

Maybe prunes are just GIANT RASIENS!

Friday, October 15, 2004

How Capri-Sun Saved My Life

Hey God, Wilmington has a bit of a draft...could you close the door?

With this post I think this page will officially be 50% posts about the weather but darn it! The weather has been a topic of conversation that pathetic socially challenged people have used as icebreakers in conversations for generations. I figure if I'm going to be reduced to being a loser that has to use such strategy its in my best interest to refine it to an art. Actually, the real reason I choose such a topic is because the weather today was actually quite remarkable.

Because I know its the question on all of your minds let's go ahead and have the definitive answer off the get-go. YES, the sky did indeed relieve itself on me today during passage from Trask to my dorm at 8:30. HA HA HAAA HAA HAAA LAUGH LAUGH NATHAN GOT WET ON HIS LITTLE BICYCLE ....AGAIN. Well that's half the reason people come to UNCW. Oh, you didn't know that? It's in all the little pamphlets you get in high school. "Come to UNCW and find the future that's been waiting for you!...while our clouds piss all over you on a biweekly basis!"

Early morning soakings are usually a good indicator of what the day has in store for you and, in writing this post I just realized that its been a couple of weeks since I picked on my roommate. Fortunately he hasn't stopped giving me good material. Today he had the idea of a "tradeoff" for keeping us dry. It was about an hour before my class and 25 minutes before I was supposed to meet someone at the dining hall when he made the suggestion. Here is how it works. I leave 25 minutes early to walk with him (in the rain) to the parking lot where I get in my car and take him to his class across campus. In return he picks me up from my last class. I don't know exactly how he got to go first....and I knew it was a poorly conceived trick to get me to spend upwards of 40 minutes of my day just to get him to class dry. I did it anyway. Turns out I missed my meeting with the girl I was supposed to meet at Wag and ate alone. When I stepped outside of Wag about 20 minutes after dropping him off there was little to no rain. Knowing my sad fate I just returned my car to the lot and went back to my room, (where, in the rush to leave I had left my homework on my desk.) I then went back outside to find it sprinkling I rode in it on my bike to Dobo. Yeah...after Dobo there was absolutely no I just rode myself back from class today.

It's all good though. He can just consider it a favor...and he owes me one of equal proportion.

Surprisingly enough I rather enjoyed the weather the rest of the day. It went from horrible and depressing to absolutely beautiful in the 50 minutes I napped during chemistry. The sky was one of the most captivating things I've seen recently, spotted with wispy white clouds being pushed around by the gusty wind. Today was the first day I felt more than just the first breaths of fall. Fall is now upon is here by the sea and there is no denying it. It's at this time of the year that I usually start to have a slight feeling of anxiety. The winter represents a cold, dark time for me usually and fall, when you get down to it, is just beginning of winter. At least I'll get to wear all my neat cold weather clothing soon.
...forget I said that, I've been hanging out with the girls in my dorm far too much as of late...

Staples...yeah, I got that.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

You Will Now Be Forced to Drink Room Temperature Water for the Rest of Your Life

Long and Strong

For generations men, especially young men, have allowed their hair to grow out as a symbol of freedom and independence, as well as an expression of personality. Back in the day it was so cool to have long hair that dudes bought wigs of it. You weren't a "real" gritty cowpoke without a shock of grungy hair to sport. Peace and love could be displayed through your long hair in the 60's. Today guys grow their hair out for a number of reasons but before I look into that lets take a look at the three basic units of men's hair length and their advantages/disadvantages.

CATEGORY #1: The Short
Short hair in all its forms is the probably the most likely thing to find atop the average american's head. Why is that? Lets look at the advantages:
Comfortable on the Head
Very low upkeep
Comfortable to wear hats
Socially acceptable
Look like everyone else
restricted freedom of expression through hair
less insulated head
potentially costly upkeep
Overall "the short" is a decent selection that I can't really downplay although I don't think it's the coolest. It's probably going to be what I and every man should eventually settle down to keeping after their about 30...especially if they're balding.

CATEGORY #2: The Shaggy
You all know it. You've seen in on countless high school kids and emo band's lead singers. The shaggy is the stage between short...and officially long.
less costly upkeep
more of a hassle
50/50 chance of looking like waterfowl's nest on any given day
more uncomfortable
This is my LEAST favorite of the hair choices (except for extreme long witch I will get to later.) It's an annoyance and its just not worth the hassle. PERIOD

CATEGORY #3: The Long
Rockstars, Actors, Collies, and most pictures of Jesus sport the LOOOOONG hair. It's expressionate and, depending on how much you put into it, can make or brake the man.
Good Insulation
Something to play with
Stand out
Extreme low cost of upkeep
extreme upkeep
can look like turd on a biscuit
uncomfortable in a lot of situations
Long hair is a force to be reckoned with. While it takes time to perfect can either be the ultimate super weapon of "dang I'm cool" or the be all end all of mundaneness. The person who chooses long hair must care of it and treat it well if he wants to be the neatest thing out there.

The last category is EXTREME LONG HAIR and lets just face it....if you're a dude with hair past your shoulders and you DON'T have it in're in denial that your hair sucks and your life is falling apart. You are probably a Vietnam vet that, in rebellion to the cads that made you cut your hair for 3 years, have been dead set on never cutting it again...even though its stringy, nasty, and very very thin. Yep, you're losing it more ways than one.

As for why we grow today...I really don't know. I think a lot of people do it because everyone else that is "artistic" or "rebellious" does it. I think others are like me and do it because 1) Too lazy/unable to get a haircut and 2)youg and want to see what it's like. My hair is nearing leaving the shaggy stage and moving into the moderate long stage...probably in the next 2 months. I'm looking forward to growing it out at LEAST until January but possible as long as April 10th. The day after my birthday...regardless of what I wish...The hair shall be cut, and cut short. No matter what our reasons we all have something in common...uh....
long hair...

Time to play with fire and liquid nitrogen!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I Feel the Cold

me and my sister
Originally uploaded by link5001.


I finally got that picture up! This is me and my sister Melissa right after my other sister, Elizabeth's, wedding this past Saturday. We were both in the wedding party hence our "fancy" attire. The wedding went well and I'm really happy for Elizabeth and Craig. It was one of those tear-jerking moments. I know they're going to have a happy life together!

On a more serious note I've been informed that I, apparently, write too much . To that I say various obsinities in spanish and bite my thumb at you. If I do a lot of writing it's because I have a lot to tell. The day I feel I have nothing left to write is the day I've stopped living!

Clint Eastwood is the MAN!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Official Schedule of Sloan

I know half of the semister is already over but college life takes some getting adjusted to so now is the first time that I've really been able to sit down and look at a weekly schedule that I can pretty much say I'm going to stick to. So here it is:

1:00-Chemistry until 1:50
2:00-English until 3:30
6:00-PE lecture until 6:50
8:00-ACE meeting
9:15-Minute Men Film meeting

3:30-UNI 101 until 4:30
8:00-CCF until 9:30

8:00-PE until 8:50
1:00-Chemistry until 1:50
2:00-English until 3:30
5:00-Church until 7:30

12:30-Intro to Film Production until 3ish
3:30-Freshman Seminar until 4:30
6:00-Flicker Film Society until 7:00

8:00 PE until 8:50
1:00 Chemistry until 1:50
2:00 Moviemaker's series until 4:30 or earlier

Of course this is just the USUAL. There are huge variation from week to week as to where I'll be. I hope you all have a better general idea of when you can reach me and when I'm available to do jank. Keep it real...and fresh...

New Hanover Sleeps Alone Tonight

The PRO-crastinator

I don't know how many of you out there like to procrastinate like I do but to those of you who do, it's a double edged sword isn't it. I have a general idea that there are two types of people in this world. Procrastinators and organized punctual people. Save a handful, (maybe 6 in the whole world) the organized people are all sick sick people with mental issures that they need to get worked out with a head doctor. I mean, if you don't believe me just take a look at one next time you see them. They are probably sitting up straight in their chair, wide-eyed and staring at the wall. Sick-o's....probably communists,,,,ALL OF THEM!
Now the other type person is like me. We really care about our work. We just don't care quite enough. It really is a very sad cycle. I constantly remind myself that I have a lot of work to do and without fail each time I put everything off until the last minute. If it doesn't have to be turned in but its one of those border line things that NEEDS to be done anyway. It's screwed. I'm not ever going to do it. I feel like I'm falling down a tunnel of DOOM and I need to dig myself up fast before I'm lost forever in the Procrastinator's dream.

I had no idea that some people get addicted to Glade through snorting it....

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Total Warp Speed 9!!!

One of my theories

As a disclaimer for this Post...if you are a skater-kid. DO NOT READ...

I saw it happening when I was leaving my high school but now that I've come back to visit since being away at college the problem is all the more evident. Kids (middle-high school aged) dressed up as Skaters and cruising around in groups on skate boards but usually on foot. Black or very dark colors dominate their oversized underconcieved wardrobes and they all sport the same obnoxious hair cuts. Yeah they're being DIFFERENT and INDEPENDENT and ANARCHY YEEEEAH!....yeeeah...just like all the other different independent anarchy kids in school...yeahh...gulp.
PATHETIC!!! Look at yourselves. You aren't fooling anyone. We know you went through an identity crisis about a year ago and found something you thought was "cool" in being with the skater lifestyle. A lifestyle that, interestingly enough, was not created by skaters but by posers and people just like you that don't know quite WHO they are! Hope thats working out well for you kid. Try not to trip on your tent-like pants with your big wide untied flat shoes.
Now your question may be, why are there still so many kids dressed like "sk8ers" out there still today, even after the WHOLE WORLD knows how lame they are? Here is my theory. About 75% of the kids that decided they wanted to be skater kids did it on the tail end of the fad. They helped it burn out into a glorious flaming ball of lameness. They all bugged their parents to take time out of their 9-5 to go to Belk or the CCS catalogue to completely update their wardrobes. Now that this look is obviously stupid enough to make aboriginals laugh at you the kids have nothing left to do but cling to their flawed ideas and hope no one notices, or walk around naked. Current decency laws taken into consideration, they must choose to sulk around in their dumpy Element shirt and HUGE black Independant Truck Company pants. Now that I think about it this way I can't say I really blame them for being SOOOOOO depressed all the time.

oh, and by the way...half-pipe killed my hamster....

Friday, October 08, 2004

Mag-lites Are Great for Lighting AND Beating Things Up

Move your smile a little to the left....

I knew that my sister was getting married this weekend, and that I would be a groomsman, but I had no idea of the amount of work that went into it this jank! I thought it would be like me picking up a tux, walking around at the front for a bit, then coming back or whatever. NOOOOO...we have to smile constantly...escort people and complete a complicated series of turning mechanics when the bride reaches the front. After this rehearsal I must say I'm quite exhusted! At least I got some tasty steak and cake at the rehearsal dinner!

I think there needs to be a big polar bear in the church tomorrow.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I Could Fly if my Wings Weren't Made of Plastic

Bugs suck...

I want you to picture something. You're looking out onto a peaceful pasture scene. Herds of bison roam freely while the rancher and his family enjoy a picnic in the mid-ground to the right of the frame. A playful dog hops towards their table, the golden light of a setting sun washed over his dusty fur. The hills of the pasture glow with a natural beauty and the wind gently lifts the amber leaves of the trees with its cool first breath of fall. In the background you see a quaint ranch house, the screen door invitingly cracked open while a black and white kitty cat relaxes on there worn in porch swing.
Just reflect on what emotions are stirred by this scene for a moment and then continue reading...
Now here is what you don't see. The bison are infested with parasite known as siduous nomisticius. They are a mite known for burrowing under the surface of the animals skin and causing a discomfort that the animal can literally do nothing about. The family at the picnic can't decide if they should eat or spend more time swatting the mosquitoes that plague them, and their animals relentlessly. Not to mention the annoying flies that seem to have taken a liking to Mama's home cookin'. Buddy, their dog, has heartworms and just a short time to live. Meanwhile their cat, Mr. Boots shares a parasite with Buddy common in pets, fleas. Not just a few flees either, a whole horde of them, because fleas don't know how to just hang out. They insist on spreading. As a final note, all of these horrid parasites have, in theory, entrance to the home through that beat up open door. In fact, no one in the rancher's family is going to get a good nights sleep because the skeeters have already staked it out and won't leave any time soon.
See how parasites screw everything up? I hate anything that makes it their life to suck the life out of something else. If you can't live on your own then why screw up something else's mess when you can do the world a favor and extinct yourself! Even the happy little life of a kitty isn't safe from the blood-sucking swath of the evil parasite clan! I say we bring out some of those bug killin' chemicals that were banned in the 50's because they worked too well and give the US a good old-fashioned hose down.
Of course...when your really think about what we as humans do...aren't we parasites of the Earth? Good thing the Earth isn't alive and can't spray us down with pesticide.
That's right! I said the Earth wasn't alive HIPPIE!!!

So, I know it takes two to tango but what do you do with three?

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Go Shallow, Go Endless

Getting "ripped" for the hunnies

I was trying to think of something amusing to write about tonight that met my posting criteria. I want it to be about something funny. I want it to be something that at least loosely relates to me, and I want it to be something that I've thought about today. I couldn't think of anything funnier that met the other two criteria than to talk about my pathetic attempt to work out and get stronger. OK, now, contrary to what one might think...I really am working out for the benefit of my long-term health. I think that it's important to take care of your body from an early age so that it takes care of you when you're older. The whole idea of "Good habits start young." Blah blah blah blah yeah. Believe me when I tell you that becoming studly is just a secondly side effect of my good health habits.
Of course I'm only joshing, as I know that I'm doomed to spend the rest of my life as a "90 pound weakling" no matter how much I work out. But I really am seeing some success with my somewhat regular routine. One workout consists of 4 sets of bench....3 sets of biceps...3 sets of abs. To translate that ...One workout consists of 4 sets of my nearly choking myself while unsteadily wobbling a bar in front of my face...3 sets of flailing my arms about...and 3 sets of continuous suffering followed by rolling around on floor in heaps of pain. I'm sure that explains the workout much more colorfully to you all.
Thankfully, this lovely routine is not only painful while I do it...but it hits me with a second round of pain about one and a half days later in the form of (mama I want to die now) muscle soreness. It isn't all bad though....the bodies most powerful natural narcotic, endorphins, have got me going kookoo! YE HA!!!! I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself!
...steady Dak...

I can't wait to shines my shoes!!!

Monday, October 04, 2004

TagTeam for the Silver Cow Bell

Stupid dry hands.

I don't know how many schools do this but UNCW is very fond of it. SIDEWALK CHALK. Everywhere you go there is some computer club or airheaded sorority (yes, they are all airheads) announcement plaguing your eyes on the walkways around the cafeteria and campus common. For weeks I have averted my eyes from the tacky neon colored propaganda as I sped by on my bike but today I have reached a new low. I attended my Association for Campus Entertainment, or ACE, meeting tonight and was surprised by the fact that we had to go chalking. No warning! Just chalk in your hand and off you went. The subject was the free screening of Spider-Man 2 this Wednesday at 8:30 in the Warwick Center Ballroom. I covered the two bridges in the commons, in front of the clock tower, and Lutze Hall. Despicable fiends!

But on the sunny side I did get to write this for the one at Lutze:

Wednesday, Oct. 6th
or Swing into
The Warwick Center Ballroom
at 8:30

My creativity is truly on the cutting edge and amazes even me on occasion.(sarcasm, stop writing posts on your blog about how conceded I am)
Other than that I'm just happy that I no longer have to go to class at 11:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays anymore! More sleep time for me...

Rather than make another random closing comment I'll link you guys to a site with info on a really cool video camera that I must eventually own...
yes I am aware of how long that address is. COPY AND PASTE YA LAZIES!!! Oh yeah...and one more thing to note: That camcorder impliments "CineSwitch"TM technology...not to be confused with "CinnaStix" from Dominoes...

Sunday, October 03, 2004

My Pencil Shavings

My Pirate Flag
Originally uploaded by link5001.

Surrender yer booty!

Lately I've developed a small fascination with pirates. It's very peculiar considering that I'm against all that pirates stood for. Regardless, I can't deny my pirating instincts any longer. As of this afternoon I have decided that, living in a port city and all, I should be able to find a sitting duck of a ship and commandeer it rather easily. After I have successfully made it my own I will sail it to a small sand bar in the outer banks where I will set up "treasure island." The ship will be renamed "The Ransomed King" or something to that affect. Then I'll go to Wal*Mart and steal, YES STEAL, the craft supplies necessary to make a proper Flag. After I get that all taken care of I have to find a crew of lilly livered sea scum and floozy brydes to complete my "sloop" and from then on it's AHOY YE MATEYS! Adventure, plundering, and the high seas!!!

So, if after reading all of this amazing stuff about pirating any of you guys want to join my sloop just let me know by sending me your resume. Health and Benefits are included and best of all...NO TAXES ON BOOTY!!!

Now its off to see if my roommate can help me get this nesting squirrel out of my dresser drawer.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

A Fistful of Dollars

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster by your side...

I was depressed today by advertisement on a web page for an "alarm system." It was the first on page ad that I had ever had obnoxiously talk to me. That is garbage and should be illegal...I don't want to hear the ads talk...but anyway that isn't what depressed me. It was the fact that the "alarm system" was little more that an magnetic battery powered buzzer. You attached one half to the door and another half to the frame. When the magnets come apart it created a little buzzing sound akin to a toy fire truck. It wasn't even very threatening. These people were actually trying to sell this jank as legitimate home security. They should be brought to justice!

If I get involved in corporate America I'll make them all hobos!!!!

On a more positive note...lalala!!!

Friday, October 01, 2004

State of the Blog Address

SURPRISE EVERYONE!!! I just changed up my blog's skin a little bit. This is only permanent if I get a positive response. If you think it looks girly and stupid I'll go back to the brown paper page. Well, in recognition of the ONE MONTH anniversery of my blogg we'll slow down for a day and go back to the basics. I thought I'd take the time to post once again on some of the important run of the mill topics that I've touched on in the past but may not have reaced some of our younger viewers.

First of all...THANKS FOR VISITING!!! It makes me feel all special that you had the small amout of care necessary to actually click a link and come to this page.

If you're enjoying this page (or if you aren't) please leave comments under my posts. I read each and every comment and, as long as I feel like being nice, so can everyone else! Comments make the world go 'round.

If you really don't understand it, you aren't the archives there is a post titled "This Page: Disclaimer, Why, and How I Don't Hate My Roommate" ...or something similar. It may help.

All the pictures on this site (thus far and planned for the future) were taken by yours truly. I don't gank other people's pictures without permission and I'd expect you guys to do the same.

Can you put links to this page on your own page? Um, I don't know why you would want to but it it tickles your fancy...go for it! I'm always greatful for a plug.

I make several spelling and grammer errors. Fell free to point them out and establish meaning in your life for once.

If you have any suggestions/comments/questions/piping hot coffee email them to me at I'M LISTENING!!!