Thursday, August 31, 2006

Harrison Ave.

Rainy days
Originally uploaded by The Sloan.

In case you're wondering, that is a photo of me completely saturated in Ernesto droppings. I spent the entire day in the building (save the 45 minutes just before this picture was taken that I spent walking to a class that was, as it turns out, canceled) and it's been pretty bummer-rific. We're you're left in a room all alone you pretty much have nothing to fall back on but naps, reading, homework, and thinking. I tried napping, it didn't work out for me. I picked up some Oswald chambers for a good read and got all my homework done. Of the four I'd certainly say thinking had to occupy the most of my time. That's about all I have to report. If you are curious as to what my day was like, just take a second glance at the photo. I think it sums things up pretty well.

Nah, Ernesto isn't all that bad, I'm just havin' fun and such. It's not often you get drenched by a former hurricane and live to get your picture taken right after, is it? Ok, yeah, I guess most everyone does. The long weekend ahead is going to be even longer than expected. See you in hyperspace again soon!

Am I the only one that bleeds when I floss? I don't like flossing.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dangle with Care

We've all heard "them" say that writing is therapeutic so HERE GOES! You ready for this?

Actually I feel really bad for addressing that question to a "you." It's probably a great mistake to assume that anyone still checks on this page now that I've fallen off that face of the Earth. Well, I started this little page without an audience and pretended I had one so I guess I can work that way again.

About that whole falling off the face of the earth thing. Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I'm sure you all have gone through periods in your life where you just don't feel like working on things any more. I went through one of those with my blog. I have had a lot of fun with this little page and I can't believe I let it fall into such a state of disrepair. There is only one way I suppose I can make up for it.


What is that you may be thinking to yourself? Well it's simple of course. I'll put it in layman's terms.

I list 5 things that UNCW has that I want to blow up with approx. 5 sticks of dino-MITE.

I list 5 woodland creatures that I would snuggle if they wouldn't claw/gnaw me to death in the process.

and I give my unique perspective on deli meats....

1. The fence that blocks the second walkway in front of the new CIS building. BOOM!
2. Our ugly tinker-toy style clock tower (it does grow on you though) BOOM!
3. The guy/girl that doesn't even slow down when I am heading for the crosswalk. BOOM!
4. Kenan Hall, room 121 BOOM!
5. Phillip Johnson BOOM!

1. The little tiny brown birds that can only hop HUG!
2. A fox HUG!
3. A squirrel HUG!
4. Moose HUG!
5. Phillip Johnson HUG!

There are some people in the world that only want one type of deli meat on their sandwich. To those people I say...deli meats were made to work in tandem. You can't have only the turkey or only the salami. You have to make the Turkami happen. Though it sounds like a dangerous natural disaster... it really just creates a wave of delicious flavor in your mouth.

I love you all my loyal...reader!