Monday, January 31, 2005

State of the Blog Address

Where did you go my sweet sweet January?

Professors have it MADE. They just ramble on about some MUMBO JUMBO, give you assignments, and then make their TA's grade them. CAKE! I don't know why it took me until my second semester to figure out these guys are certified GENIUSES, not because of their education, but because of their intelligence in owning the education programs.

Yeah ok, they're hard workers...blah de-flippin' blah blah....

January was far too short. I had so much I had planned to accomplish last month that I forgot what I was doing and only got about half of it done. But blog-wise I did get my CafePress shop open and its a dandy one too! Last night I finally purchased some of my own products so your best reason for not buying something is GONE. Oh of the best reasons...
Look for more good stuff on there in weeks to come. I'm going to try and put my high school graduation shirt up there. Several people showed interest in picking one of those up over the summer. We'll see.

Still working on the Free iPod but I removed the post from the other day in order to keep my site clean of less than quality posting. You can all thank me later, in person, with large sums of cash.

The links page is probably riddled with misspellings but I'm not going to check over it because its a pain to edit that page. If, however, you would like to link to WilmingSloan send me your stuff (and why you want to link if I don't know you) and I'll more than likely pop you up there. Also give me a heads up if there is a third party site on the internet you think I should put up there.

This month has been full of upgrades to the page. I hope they make you go (ohhhhhh....ahhhhhh) but I assure you that my lower caliber posting this month has been due only to the upgrading. I'll be back into the meat and potatoes of just writing soon and you will all be able to stop shaking your heads in disgust.

One last exciting announcement! This blog is about me...but hasn't always pulled on my interests heavily in content. That is why I've decided to add a bimonthly film review to my postings. I know what you're thinking...
"I ain't gonna read that boring cow manure. Nathan is a pansy."
Well First of all I'm not a pansy, (unless its totally warranted by two tall dark men with knives.) Secondly, there is, as with all things WilmingSloan, a twist. I'm a film student and as such I will have to start out at the bottom of the industry from here on out. So...with my film reviews WHY NOT START AT THE SAME PLACE? I'll be reviewing the world's worst movies with my "Fresh from FST 203" critical eye. Of course the best place to pick the worst movies up is, of course, the bargain bin at Wal*Mart. Stay tuned...

Roach can be your hero baby....

Saturday, January 29, 2005

One of Those Nights That Can Only be Ended With Sparkling Grape Juice

Just a quick link to a story I found totally hilarious. All political agendas aside this is just really really funny. Go check it out.


Friday, January 28, 2005

Teetering on the Edge of an Elk

Vespers Fort
Originally uploaded by link5001.

Vespers Fort at Caswell...sigh. Probably my favorite place on the island. I realized earlier that I talk a lot about Caswell when most of the people who read this page know little to nothing about the place. It's really the best land fill on the east coast...
My computer is really hot. Laptop owners out there may sympathize. It's gotten to the point where it's down right annoying. I allow myself 3 minutes of typing before I have to give my left hand a heat break. They should sell these things with cotton sleeves so you could treat an ailed back with them. For some owners that would almost make the computer worth their money...

Weekends are always so bland and empty at UNCW. It's like a ghost town but in a way it's pretty nice. If it weren't 18 degrees colder than a penguin's butt outside I'd be out on the commons, breathing the free air deep and taking in the majesty of campus. What with it's mounds of clay and orange construction fencing that is...

-Fire breathing has it's perks...
~Really? Like what?
-You know, free nose hair reduction...

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Appalachian Trail in Six Bullets or Less

Duck and Cover!!!

Tonight marked the third UNCW basketball game I’ve attended and for the third time we won! This time, narrowly. What interested me more than the game itself, however, were the customs and actions of those people off the court. First you have to understand that the age of "basketball songs" ended at least 13 years ago. All the newer songs are just fad song and will soon vanish from the charts and from your memory. That is until they start selling "era" mixes of it in wal*mart with little push button sample clips in the middle of the isle.
All of the rest of the songs you hear are "We Will Rock You" and "Ready to Rumble" and well, you know the whole list. There are about five every time. There is something else musically related that I noticed too. There are more tone sensitive people in this world than I once thought.
For instance, if a large majority of people were tone deaf then how were the mobbed up guys next to me capable of screaming "OHHHHHHHHHHHH" at the exact same matched pitch every time an opposing player prepared for a free throw? Cursing the refs and opposing players has also adopted a depressingly musical quality.
By far the most enlightening events were the coozie tosses. You know, the foam can cup holders they throw into the crowd during time outs. I honestly believe that I now know more of what it was like to be a civil war solider. While the coozies sail through the air the sweat starts to roll down everyone's faces. I'm thinking "So this is what it's like to be on the back lines in a battle." The cannon ball shoots up and where it lands it leaves total chaos. In it's swath are fallen bodies, screaming voices and a ripple effect, or shock wave, that totally devastates the stands.
The clear difference is that a goofy looking kid with a gym bag is responsible for the projectiles and the people in the crowd actually want to be hit. To me this poses a very genuine question. Why are there people willing to throw themselves on top of other people in order to claim a coozie? How often have you been sitting at home or in the dorm with and ice cold canned beverage and thought, "Darn it! If only I had a coozie!?" I'd give my left leg for a good thick coozie right about now...
Even still I stood there, looking down three rows and to the left as a crazed coozie victor smiled gleefully, shaking it in his fist above his head.
Perhaps it really is the simple things in life..., see the play is actually about words. the title "Play on wor.....

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Nothing Says "Cozy" Like White Cinder Block

Originally uploaded by link5001.

I do so have a life!

Caswell people! If you want to see an interesting little diddy I put together concerning the possibilities for summer staff 2005 drop me a line! I took the list of current applicants, categorized them, and divided it into some interesting statistics and made some interesting predictions. Email me or IM me (AIM) so I can send you the word document.

You may have noticed my break dancing friend Matt above. I'm not sure how much he tears the floor up now but back in 2002, when I believe this picture was snapped, he was a dancing machine. I tried dancing once but I scared my new neighbors from Russia. Never saw them again.
I sure hope that one kid's leg healed after he ran into the street in horror.

Someone should invent a lemon-lime rat for parties.

Monday, January 24, 2005

It's a Beautiful Life

WD-40 is an amazing product

This weekend I was overjoyed to have dorm mate Blair repair my bike. It was something akin to Charley Brown wrapping that little blanket around his Christmas tree. It just needed a little love...POOF, fixed. Words can't express the happiness that brings me. I'll go into more detail later. The rest of the weekend was spent avoiding any reading that is required of me. I'm paying for that now. As of today I'm officially not accepting a job for the semester. This should ensure at least two things:
1. I have more time time plan to work, and actually spend it watching movies.
2. You will be able to find me in the park about midway though the semester dancing in a chimp suit for pennies.
I also discovered the importance of the word "launch" this weekend. Launch is such a cool and underused word. For instance, most people say, "My friend tripped on Lucy's huge left foot and dropped his cell phone into the goldfish pond by Lutze." When they could be saying, "My friend tripped on Lucy's huge left foot and launched his cell phone into the goldfish pond by Lutze."
Which sounds cooler? Honestly?

My newly repaired bike has opened my eyes to the wonders of the world once again. Now, rather than walking for 15 minutes in the blistering cold, I can ride for 5 minutes in the mind-bendingly blistering cold and sit in my nice warm room for an extra 10 minutes every day. I must admit, my skills have weakened over the past 2 months. Christmas break and the bikeless first three weeks of class this semester have got me wobbling unsteadily and panicking in tight 5-wide groups of walkers. Before, I effortlessly plowed through the masses while chuckling on the inside at their fear as I raced through them. I can only hope this level of skill returns to me in time. I must find gloves, however, if that is to happen, because without them I'm sure to lose most of my fingers to frostbite.

If you feel any sympathy for my current "poor" situation, please go and buy one of everything in my store. Thaaanks


Friday, January 21, 2005

Call it in the Air

If you hurry you'll find a classy image and a post about me over at my friend, Lindsay's live journal. She writes a lot sometimes though so it may be way down the page if you're don't check it soon...You'll know which one it is when you see it. Head on over to...
The Lindsay Diaries

You may or may not have noticed that nice little link to my shop located just under the title banner for the page. It's not very flashy but it gets the job done. Visit soon...visit often! I also should have another link up soon, to a geocitites page (yes I know geocities sucks) that will allow me to link to all my friend's blogs and also link to other interesting sites. I may write again tonight due to the suckyness of this post. Do not get any closer to your computer or the suck from this post may pull you in.
and nothing is worse than being trapped in cyberSPAAAAAAACE

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Gelford, Names for Those Who Wander

One step closer to the saddest life ever...

WilmingShop Online E-Store ::

It's open, barely. I made a few items last night and a nifty logo. If you something. I will try to have a permanent link up somewhere on this page. Just remember that a small (small) amount of the earnings go to helping a poor college student.
Did I mention that it was a TINY amount? OK yeah.

The rest of this post will be devoted to explaining myself in question and answer format:

Q: I didn't believe it but it is actually there. Do you have any idea how geeky/sad this is?

A:Trust me, if it weren't for the cafepress system it WOULDN'T be there. It actually didn't take that long to put together because of the ease of their system combined with my experience with photoshop. To answer your question, yes and no. I know how geeky/sad it LOOKS, however, knowing my reasons behind doing it makes me feel less like a hopeless nerd.

Q: Aside from being lame in it's conception, your store kind of just sucks. All I see are some boring shirt designs!

A: I'll admit, the current "classic" designs are simple. They just have WilmingSloan on the front and the web address, in red, on the back. Both are in the font used on my blog. Designing a more original product takes time and a lot of work. I produced these shirts because they are nice looking and they were fairly easy to put together, thus allowing me to open shop. New items will be added in the future that aren't so "lame."

Q: What kind of new items will you be adding?

A: COOL ones. I'm not talking about my face on a coffee mug, though I'm sure that would be a hit. I'm talking about that stuff that you've always wanted but couldn't find anywhere else. The sky is the limit. Send me ideas for products you'd like to see and they might just find their way to the storefront. Do keep in mind, however, that I can't break copyright laws...

Q: Are you just really proud of your stuff or what? Why is it so expensive.

A: Not everything in the store will be so expensive. All I can tell you is that cafepress is a third party "middle man" that makes these items on an "as they are ordered" basis. As such they tack on extra fees for the customization of the product and the fact that each item is made to order. I mark the price up a VERY small percentage. I'm actually not expecting to see much money at all from it. I'd rather people be buying this jank than me be making any money off of it.

Q: Do you really think anyone will actually buy anything off of this site? Most of your friends are college studets...idiot.

A: I'm not expecting to be mini wal-mart but I do expect some sales. All my cool friends have already shown interest.

Q: So what is this "special" reason you have for starting up the shop? You know, the reason that is supposed to make you not look like a nerd.

A: I can't go into too much detail. I've already mentioned that I'll be releasing a DVD of my first year of student work in the late spring. There may be a possibility that I can distribute it through cafepress. The other major project will show up some time in June or July and is something I'm primarily doing out of personal interest, but it will be for sale on WilmingShop.

Q: Who is Yam? I don't get your button product.

A: Yam (Kevin Cruise) is an employee of the NC Baptist Assembly at Fort Caswell where I worked the past two summers. The "Yam for President" joke has been going around for a long time, I don't know where it came from. The buttons on my site are a tribute to Yam and to good times at Caswell. Huzzah!

My knees smell really good today...mmm

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

...Surrendered Because of Your Face

One of a Million Angry Dragons....
Originally uploaded by link5001.

For when nothing much wants to come out...

Sorry about the abundance of homemade pictures. I'll try to get some more real ones up soon. This is a worthy post leader though. You may have noticed...this is one of the million angry dragons that could, at any time, rain down upon you and destroy you completely.

How about...I found out that Ligers are real? You remember the things Napoleon was drawing in his trapper keeper? Yeah...real animals. My Zooy roommate was looking at them earlier today. That's all my news for this evening. I'll give you guys a link to the Liger...


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Then Lou the Bear Went Crazy on the Jazz Piano

What Phillip Learns in School
Originally uploaded by link5001.

You can always count on some things.

Hope you enjoyed yesterday's post, I know I did...
Today was a day of frantic work and frantic procrastination. As I write this I still have roughly a page left to write on my book review of "The Broken Spears. It's the Aztec account of the conquest of Mexico. Pretty interesting stuff actually but I'll be happy to see this book behind me.
The primary contributor to my procrastination of writing this paper was the first episode of American Idol 4. I have to admit that after watching some of those people I am now convinced that some of them are horrible just so they can get on tv. Hey, whatever works and gets me to laugh. I now have a boosted confidence in my singing of about 40%.

One last thought to leave you with. I'm almost positive at this point, that if someone could do one simple mechanical wonder, they could probably make millions or rule the world (or both). What is that you ask? Simple.
Make a 3 ring binder that doesn't turn to rickety poo in 3-4 months. There must be a regulation out there somewhere that states that all three ring binders must either:
(A) Stop closing completely
(B) Demonically bend itself to overshoot the other half and be all crooked.
Either that or the people at Mead are planning this so they can go to meetings and schools and giggle as the students try to pack up for class.
"Oh yeah...thats red binder from group #48....I totally screwed those over man! Check her out...she's ripping all her notes to shreds trying to get outta here....tee heehee"
That's low...way low...

My roommate can shoot a snot rocket 20 feet. And you all thought he had no talent...

Monday, January 17, 2005

You're Naked...I'm Bored...

There is almost something there. Look harder.

Dripping leftovers produce the word's first black rose

My point is that you're not any less of a man for using a hair dryer.

Something that haunts the soul haunts the world. You can't just write that off.

Always know sometimes, think it's me, but you know I think that it's a dream.

Mass produce the idiots and see if they can do anything once a little pressure is put on them!

I'm not sure I understand. Perhaps if you had made a layout of the original idea more concise...

You're forgetting the biggest detail

Past tense doesn't always have to mean something is over. Never completely.

Then this can't happen to life or to endeavor.

Put them out. I want to see how they react.

The English army had just won the war.

Suspension. Every sector of every organism's life. Completely .

And so, on one last bittersweet notion I had before the end, I walked to the edge and glanced at what lay in waste beneath me. Perhaps someone looked on this land as fertile and life-giving at one point or another. Maybe they saw in it the lives of many who could be made to work for greater cause. Someone saw it as a stepping stone and nothing more but there can be no disputing that forevermore it will be seen as it is now, under my feet. The wasteland. Product of a death of someone's soul. The empathy that all humans should have must have left him, maybe he was never born with it and it may not be his fault. The mistake of his being will be something we all have had to pay for, and will continue to for years to come.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

A Roundabout Way of Scoring Some Shepherds Pie

...because we've all wanted to see our faces on a coffee mug at one point or another.

Semi-exciting announcement to make today! Over the next couple of weeks I should have a fully functioning online store of WilmingSloan (and random original) merchandise! This isn't my sad attempt at ruling the world one t-shirt at a time but rather a way for me to own some really cool stuff of my own design and share it with my friends as well.

But seriously, if you're curious as to whether or not you have to buy something the answer is yes...YES BUY ALL OF MY COMMERCIAL LINE!...I'm MTV...YOU WANT MY PRODUCT!!!! MUAH HAHAHAHAA!

As for the rest of my weekend I don't have too much to report. Actually, there is one thing but I probably shouldn't go into detail beca...
...awww, you guys know I'm a geek by now, no reason to restrain!
I won a Halo Tournament Friday night! YEEESSSSS!!!
There were about 30 or so people that turned up and in the end a final match on Beaver Creek was what threw me over the top and to victory! (Beaver Creek is my map...yo)
My spoils...err..uh...spoil I guess, was a copy of Project Gotham Racing 2 for Xbox. It's probably like, the only thing I've ever won.

Well, there was that free date match from but that was more of a nightmare in the end. I just try to forget that

Friday, January 14, 2005

Now the Brazilian has my Phone Number

Weather, weathermen, and the general state of crap conditions...

Some of you may have noticed that it's January and we're reaching highs in the 70s. To this I can only come to the conclusion that the world will implode on itself sometime next week. Expect Martha Stewart clones to be roaming the streets this weekend as further evidence of that theory.

Today it rained cats, dogs, and just about everything else in the book, all morning. Thankfully for all our sakes it didn't happen to rain a million angry dragons. Or, like, my laptop would be completely incinerated due to their angry destructive power and I wouldn't be typing this post right now. So i suppose I should be really thankful. What I'm NOT thankful for is the fact that the rain was all light and crap at 9:50 when I set out for History and I was like, "Ok...doot doo doo" and then at 9:53 a hellish storm of all nightmarish contemplation was released on my exposed, walker body. I really need my bike back! I had my little yellow UNCW raincoat on but the wind an the rain had me struggling to move forward and holding my little hood on with my right hand. I felt and looked like one of those idiot reporters that stand in the eye of hurricanes so those of us at home can feel the terror of their impending doom press down on us as well.
This is the noise I made when I got to class...
"Squriish....squriiish squriish squriish...."
Pants soaked...feet soaked and, yes, my notebook soaked...
All of my crazy valuable notes for ALL of my classes received moderate to serious water damage. It made me very upset.

{end whining}

So now that, that is over with it's time for me to refer you all to a really cool web site where you can burn HOURS at a time.
I've read soooo many of those ghost stories that it's not even funny. Some are really lame but some are really should read them.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

For Richer or for More

Kittiana Jones
Originally uploaded by link5001.

If you could hold those whiskers a little straighter...

On my "Best of" 2004 list something called "Kittiana Jones" (or Kittyana depending on how you like to spell it) as runner up for "Best All Around." Only my UNCW buds with access to my room have actually seen this great picture that Roach picked up for me last semester at a thrift store, so I thought I'd pop it up here for the world to see. I apologize for the poor quality. I love this picture...I get a mixed feeling of joy and sadness from it.

Poor Kitty

Another day...another dollar...That is, another dollar that I've spent. I'm pouring myself more and more into the poor house and the only way I know to dig out is to actually get a campus job. I really don't know about all that because of all the work I have to do would make my life totally worthless.

For added effect I suggest rereading this post while listening to the Dave Matthews song "An' Another Thing"

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Elegance Before It's Time

The end result: SCREWED...Oh and my schedule

School is mind-boggling in so many ways. They will ROB YOU BLIND at any chance they get. Today after my Lit class I decided to go pick up the two books I wasn't able to get yesterday off campus and one used NOVEL...not even a text book....and USED....cost me $15. That's insane!!! I shouldn't have to pay more than 7 or 8 bucks for that. I was BARELY able to get all the books I needed for the semester with the $400 dollars I was given by the 'rents, and actually, I still have 2 more of those horrid novels to pick up.

Early forecast for the semester predicts LOTS of reading. About 400 pages a week or about a novel and a half a week to do collectively. That isn't going to be fun considering I'm one of those readers that can read for about 45 minutes before I get REALLY sleepy and doze off. This happens regardless of the time of day. The class I'm most excited about is my Introduction to Film Study (FST 203) class. In my 201 class last semester we focused on learning the techniques of making a film. This class is totally focused on learning how to look at, read, and interpret films, rather than just watching them. Sure we may love or hate movies but why? What is there that makes us a participant in a film? I can't wait to dive in and become a real film freak. Not to mention that this will bring me one step closer to declaring my official major in film next fall.

So here is a rough outline of my schedule for the semester:

10 AM......................Global History until 10:50
1 PM........................Film Lecture and Screening until 4:30 (bleigh)

9:30 AM..................Baby Math (101) until 10:45
11:00 AM................Intro to Lit until 12:15

10 AM.....................Global History until 10:50
2:30 PM..................FST "Lab" (small group) until 3:45

9:30 AM.................MAT-101 until 10:45
11:00 AM.....................Literature until 12:15
5:00 PM.......................Intro to Psych until 7:45 (7:30)....((BLEIGH BLEIGH))

10:00 AM....................Global History until 10:50
10:51 AM....................WEEKEND STARTS

So there it is, without all the club meetings included. That's what I'm doing and wowzers...thatsa lotta work!

Scratch and sniff bandages were a bad idea...

Sunday, January 09, 2005

The 21st Annual Celebrity Caddy Tournament

phillip's drawing
Originally uploaded by link5001.

...for whom the gong tolls

HEY! Let me start this post out with a resounding iCheer for Phillip Johnson and his lovely Rocko and Flash drawing which he submitted into the WilmingSloan drawing contest. What a winner!
While we're on a related topic it seems a good point for me to bring up something special I'm planning for summer release. As some of you may know, I've been dabbing into the film arts quite a bit in the past 8 or so months. That is why I've decided that over the spring semester I'm going to work on putting together a little "Year One" DVD of my work. There you'll find the explanation for "Rocko and Flash" along with such greats as T.P. All in all I'm hoping for around 8-10 shorts and some killer bonus features. Keep your eyes open.

Now on a completely unrelated topic, it's that part of the post where I break seemingly complex tasks down and make them simple and enjoyable for everyone. Today's problem?

"How Do I Name my Chinese Restaurant?"

First thing is first...naming a Chinese restaurant is a three part process.
The first part is choosing between two words which is simple enough. Pick either "Taste (of)" or "Golden." For the purpose of this demonstration I'm going to select Golden
Now you pick one of the nouns of chinese power. There are endless lists of these words but some of the more popular include:

You get the point.

I'm fond of Pandas (you may have noticed from past posts)


Finally you have to pick a structure or part of a structure. Depending on what type of Chinese restaurant it is you may consider just adding in "Buffet" but I'm going to go with the former.
Selections can include:
but of course there's the old standby, "House." That'll do just fine for me.

GOLDEN PANDA HOUSE wasn't that simple? It sounds so delicious I wish it existed right now so I could hit up the spring rolls. Mmmm Mmmm
Be sure to post comments with your Chinese restaurant titles using my method so the world can see how easy and effective it is.

One time this guy totally face planted in the comments and now there is this really freaky tree out there.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

...Injuries Sustained at a Roller Disco

More evidence that school is the devil.

So tonight the school hosted a Mr. Tom Deluca, who happened to be a hypnotist, to come and give a free show to the students. Let me just say...thats some crazy stuff. I don't think the guy has total control over them I think they know what they're doing and they just want to do it for fun. That was pretty funny. I especially like the guy he told to like fruit and think that fruit had feelings. When the finger snapped and Tom pulled out an apple, dude got defensive. Pretty funny stuff...just leaves me to wonder if there are any lasting effects?

Surprisingly enough, my first week of school is over and I still don't have any of my text books. I'll have to go take care of that soon. I'd make this post longer but I've nothing interesting to say this evening so I'll spare you from pointless jabber.

Mr. T says: "A labor of love means go punch da"

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Slowly Disintegrates Into the form of Patrick Stewart

Look Out Spring Semester
Originally uploaded by link5001.

Melancholy, go FETCH

So I just got back from Caswell Reunion a couple of days ago and it was a bittersweet event to say the least. It was good to see everyone and hang out but also sad at times and a bit awkward. Of course I'm pretty sure all of those adjectives are in the definition for the word "reunion" so in the end things were pretty par for the course. Going back to Wilmington for lunch and church and getting to see the legends of Caswell lore (you know who you are) made it worth it, and as of this moment I'm still quite looking forward to my third season there this summer. The only thing standing in the way of it is that dag on spring semester...which, by the way, happened to commence today.

Being the lazy slob I am, I slept until 9:15 this morning before rolling out of bed to prepare for my 10 AM Global History Class. The gist of that class is that I have to read 4 books, take extensive notes, and be present for three crucial tests based on the lectures in order to make a good grade. In layman's terms that would mean...surrender my every waking moment to the evil evil history class.

Maybe it'll be fun.

Then it was back to the dorm for some thumb twiddling before my 2:30 (odd that it's on a half hour isn't it?) Intro to Film Studies class. Don't let the word "Intro" fool you. This class is going to be hard core with 40-50 pages of reading, an hour long lecture, and a different movie to take DETAILED notes on every week. Not to mention random pop quizzes that will represent a quarter of our final grade. They want to weed the weak ones out early and they're sure letting us know it. I would say that I'm not afraid but I can almost hear Yoda's haunting reply:
"You will be"

So tomorrow I tackle math, intro to lit, and psychology. Thursdays are my busiest days. To top things off I have to look for a job here on campus which makes me want to kick a puppy in frustration. When you talk to me over the next couple of days, please use your inside voices as anything could set me off.
Kidding of course...yeah yeah...
I'll have my full schedule up soon so you can call and invite me out to lunch.

The mythical pasta monster patiently awaits it's unsuspecting and hungry prey...

Monday, January 03, 2005

This Day Is Not Mine

An American Test

Lately we’ve been catching more and more crap for being a nation of impatience. Do our leaders give them reason to believe this with the decisions they make or is it the mobs of tourist demanding service from wait staff abroad? Whatever their complaint I’d like to say that they’re wrong. Dead wrong.

For people like that I have a question that I believe could destroy their argument. How can you say we’re an impatient people when 90% of our public restrooms use automatic hand dryers!? From birth we’re made to use these, the most trying test of patience, every time we need to divulge in one of nature’s most basic necessities away from home. It has come to the point that a childlike smile crosses our lips when we pass a public sink and discover a paper towel dispenser. That’s how serious it is. And to make the challenge even harder some of them even have little messages on the side that say they save paper and they’re more sanitary...blah blah blah blah. The message that should really be on there should say something like...
“We are far too cheap to purchase towels and we apologize for that and the fact that we’re making you wait this long to dry your hands. Please please please shop with us again anyway.”
At the very least they could put little robots in there to dry them for you with hand towels. They could even tell you a joke or give you advice or something.

A tailor that wears a vest, fits the best.