Monday, January 17, 2005

You're Naked...I'm Bored...

There is almost something there. Look harder.

Dripping leftovers produce the word's first black rose

My point is that you're not any less of a man for using a hair dryer.

Something that haunts the soul haunts the world. You can't just write that off.

Always know sometimes, think it's me, but you know I think that it's a dream.

Mass produce the idiots and see if they can do anything once a little pressure is put on them!

I'm not sure I understand. Perhaps if you had made a layout of the original idea more concise...

You're forgetting the biggest detail

Past tense doesn't always have to mean something is over. Never completely.

Then this can't happen to life or to endeavor.

Put them out. I want to see how they react.

The English army had just won the war.

Suspension. Every sector of every organism's life. Completely .

And so, on one last bittersweet notion I had before the end, I walked to the edge and glanced at what lay in waste beneath me. Perhaps someone looked on this land as fertile and life-giving at one point or another. Maybe they saw in it the lives of many who could be made to work for greater cause. Someone saw it as a stepping stone and nothing more but there can be no disputing that forevermore it will be seen as it is now, under my feet. The wasteland. Product of a death of someone's soul. The empathy that all humans should have must have left him, maybe he was never born with it and it may not be his fault. The mistake of his being will be something we all have had to pay for, and will continue to for years to come.


Anonymous said...

I'd just like to take this opportunity to say: What the crap??
The Original Sloan

Bosephus Jamiroquai said...

You have to explain this post. The only thing I can get is a quote from Strawberry Fields Forever. Nothing else is ringing a bell, except a reference to T.S. Elliot in the last quote. You're killing me.

TheSloan said...

I'm impressed that you were able to get as much out of it as you did. The only other small detail I can give you is that there is at least one more Beatles quote in there. It should be relatively obvious...