Friday, January 21, 2005

Call it in the Air

If you hurry you'll find a classy image and a post about me over at my friend, Lindsay's live journal. She writes a lot sometimes though so it may be way down the page if you're don't check it soon...You'll know which one it is when you see it. Head on over to...
The Lindsay Diaries

You may or may not have noticed that nice little link to my shop located just under the title banner for the page. It's not very flashy but it gets the job done. Visit soon...visit often! I also should have another link up soon, to a geocitites page (yes I know geocities sucks) that will allow me to link to all my friend's blogs and also link to other interesting sites. I may write again tonight due to the suckyness of this post. Do not get any closer to your computer or the suck from this post may pull you in.
and nothing is worse than being trapped in cyberSPAAAAAAACE

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