Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Flying Squirrels 16% Less Lame than Regular

Rotten to the Core

Man on Man! I was worse off than I thought! I went to my uncles office, and for those of you that don't know him, he's a dentist. I've had the good fortune of always being fond of the dentist because of that fact, but now that I've gone through the painful process of a filling I know why so many people dislike them. Oh...but that's not all ladies and gents. I had 4 nasty fillings to have done. You know, the procedure wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't that bad. Oh no...the procedure isn't bad at all, its the 5+ HOURS OF FEELING LIKE YOU HAVE NO FACE THAT STINKS.

I spent the better part of the afternoon asleep in an attempt to avoid the sensation. At least padre made me dinner since I had to watch him eat lunch and suck my lip up repeatedly while drinking my milkshake. Mmmm Mmmm good!

Now that I got all of that out there I feel much, much better.

Only Two days until Dub-time!!!

How I miss my Caswell friends!!!!

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