Monday, February 28, 2005

Copious Amounts of Estrogen

I suppose no one ever technically said spring break was supposed to be fuuun....

Day one of true spring break it was a frigid 50 some degrees with rain and no sun at all. I woke up at 12:30 with an odd feeling in one ear. Stuffed up feeling. I went to the doctor around 4 to have him tell me he didn't know what it was, give me some allegra samples, and charge me $15.

You know what annoys me about doctors. Some people say they just do it for the money. I think it's something else. I think that doctors are a special breed of people that loooove making other people wait, but not just wait anywhere, in a small white room with nothing to stare at put a watercolor painting of a sailboat. They get done with one patient and then, just for the pure evil joy of it, walk around for 10 minutes talking into little tape recorders so they know you know they're out there wasting time and probably eating puffy cheetos.

So that was the doctor. I still hear myself echoing in my head. Aside from the slight headache that gives me I should be ok. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Errands to run for myself in the morning, a trip to a friend's house, and then I have to start on one devil of a project. My scene analysis for FST 203. I have to break about 20 shots down with 20 questions each and then write a detailed paper speculating what everything means and does. Will my speculations be correct? With my current track record in that class in mind, I'm afraid I have to expect that I'll fail miserably because the snob film professors will have interpreted it in an entirely different way.

Also for the same class I have to read about 70 pages of text...euuugh.

If I pass this class I fully expect to be hardcore film guy because they're obviously trying to kill the weak...KILL THE WEAAAAK!!! Ironically, in doing so they've also managed to "kill the week" for me. Ah hahahahaha.
Man I'm corny...

Has anyone told Sean Penn that he's an idiot yet? If so I don't think he understands.

1 comment:

Bosephus Jamiroquai said...

Yeah I used to get those professors who would actually give us the more time consuming assignments over break because we "are gonna have some extra time to work on this..." This offended my sense of logic, which is my worse sense to offend. That's why it's called "BREAK," tool: Because it's supposed to be an extended period of time doing no work.

My solution to this was to absolutely refuse to do any work whatsoever during the Monday-Friday that I would normally be in class. I would only work during the weekend before classes resumed. This always resulted in a panicky and sleepless Saturday and Sunday, buy hey I got my well-deserved chill time. What's a sleepless night or two in exchange for seven days of no worries?