Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Foaming at the Mouth Like a Shriner with a Fire Bomb

A Couple 'O Nice Congas
Originally uploaded by link5001.

...throw down monkey, I ain't foldin' on that.

My smooth criminal side shown through last night as I challenged Patrick "B Swaze", Curtis "E. Flush" and Josh "smellson Nelson" to a ruthless game of poker. Now, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have played had money been involved, because I'm just that poor, but when they threw empty chips at me my heart melted and I had to play. You see, I love nothing more than the clink of poker chips. I pretty much just clink my chips around while everyone else gets into the game.
We played tournament style and Curtis was the first to go broke, followed soon thereafter by Patrick. It ended in a hour and fifteen stalemate between Josh and I. Just for the record though, I had far more chippage when we had to quit.

So apparently I'm a mean poker punk. I plan to use my powers for good, however, by donating all of my fake winnings to various charities. Aren't I kindhearted?

Someone needs to mow the parade ground for serious. The moisture on the grass is getting my shoes all misted and wet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey nathan,

i haven't visited ur super duper blog in a while but it sounds like ur having a great summer, YEAH!!!!!!! I miss you and when ur back in town come visit me at the good ole Western Sizzlin and i'll be ur sugar mama and buy u a buffet:)!!!!!!!!!
Krystal M