Thursday, February 17, 2005

Some 40 Years

Originally uploaded by link5001.

The Laughing Man on the Market Walk

He sits because he hardly needs
the structure or the helping hands
of those committed, selfless even,
pulling him to make him stand.

He sits, if even, for a moment
makes us think that we were sovereign
makes them question, each their father.
Shares with them a peaceful grin.

To pass a judgment seems too easy
Almost gives him ample credit.
More deserving, maybe of the
Sharpened end of life's trevat.

He sits to ask his only question
Posed to him by some obsession

"Some change?" a passive hand slides by
And us? We have no alibi.

So in our pockets we must go.
More and more it's likely though,

That we will leave him sitting there
While laughter carries his despair.

Would it be campy of me to do the poet and didn't know it joke?

Ok so I need to head out to class ...DANG
I'll catch you guys on the back nine!

Lovely are the grapes of some man's vineyard that is not thine own...
aside from that making no sense...I'M ON FIRE TODAY!

1 comment:

Bosephus Jamiroquai said...

Deep, yo. Deep.