Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by link5001.

I'm so proud...

Reading is becoming an overwhelming burden for me here at the DUB. I've fallen completely behind....I'm not reading as much as I'm supposed to, but in my defense, if I were reading as much as I'm supposed to I'd have to laminate every page in my books and read in the shower as well. Plus I would have to do the laminating while reading another book that I'm required to read so as not to waste time.

Caroline went to the beach today, citing that it has, in fact, been a beautiful day. She invited me about an hour ago and right now I'm hating myself for not going. What better way to read my ridiculous amount of material than in the splendor of nature's beaches? I opted for AIM and Halo and now I must pay with reading in a confined and overly heated room.

Roach is competing the the UNCW Spring Endurance Challenge today. I would have entered myself if the entry test didn't require me to do more pull ups than I've done total in my lifetime. He still proudly displays his winning plaque from last year above his bed. Wonder if he'll gain another?

It was a beautiful day today and I'm really hoping that's a sign of more beautiful days to come. I'm ready for spring and spring break. I'm going to go crazy if it stays cold much longer and I'm all caged up in here like I'm in some...horrific...cubicle at an office or something. I decided that while generally, seagulls piss me off, I like them when they make that squawking noise as I'm drifting around campus on my bike. It's almost like some crazy scene from a "nathan" movie or something.
Speaking of "nathan" movie, I haven't made much progress on my next personal project or my 203 class. That class is sometimes interesting but in the end it's actually garbage. They try to weed out the weak and even us strong suffer the consequences. I'm going to have a rough grade in there if things don't shape up quickly.
Perhaps the most annoying thing of all is that it's all just a bunch of BS anyway. They could teach that SAME class, teach it more efficiently, and tech us more, if they would just cut out all the confusing "I'm making this up as I go" seeming lecture time. I find myself listening to my professor say stuff like this a lot.
"Does anyone have any idea why this teacup is here and why it's green?"
Now a logical answer might be that its there because it's tea time or that it will be important later on when someone's tea is poisoned. The professors seem to think we have to go into all this speculative CRAP about why said teacup is green (green is a motif through the film for things that go sour. Now isn't that a delightful little intellectual high you get from knowing that ???...MUAH HAHAHAHAHA) and such nonesense. As a result we spend most of the class listening to that kid that just says whatever pops into his head, regardless of weather it makes a fappin'' ounce of sense, who mostly just to hear him/herself talk. I spend my time wishing we were actually holding a camera, making a movie, and learning by trial and error.
You guys know the kid I'm talking about. There is always one in each class.
So that's how I feel about 203. Hopefully I'll be able to sell out and listen to their bunk for the rest of the semester just enough to pass so that I can move forward to more concentrated classes, or a better film school...GULP.

Confucius Say: Bite the Wint-O-Green lifesaver in the will see sparks.


Anonymous said...

I'm Sorry you've had a sucky night, please don't take offense, mine wasent so great either, please talk to me, Amanda

Devin said...

Hmmm...I guess I'm glad I had FST 203 last semester with Dr. Palmer instead of Monahan. I couldn't stand it when, last year, my English teacher had us analyze "Lord of the Flies," looking for symbolism. Not everything in a book is a freakin' metaphor! The same thing goes for movies, though my class did analyze the opening to "The Royal Tenenbaums," which was very interesting. So, sorry to hear 203 ain't goin' so well. Hope the rest of the class shapes up for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm working at Caswell