Thursday, December 16, 2004

Flamboyantly Heterosexual

Take the garbage out...and while you're at it why do you do my life for me too

another AMAZING day of sleep. Only until 12:30 this morning..err uh...afternoon. I really hate sleeping the day away but I just can't seem to straighten myself out. I got up and went through the usual stuff. Dad calling me and asking me to do something. Me going to his office and spending the day. The usual "on break" ritual. Then something struck me. I don't know if its the extreme amount of Halo I've been playing or what but I just didn't feel like wasting hours away online or gaming. I broke out the old Final Draft Pro and decided I was going to learn how to use it. Final Draft Pro (for those of you not in the movie/theater scene) is a lovely piece of software that does all the formatting of screen/script writing for you. Just a few clicks of a mouse and taps of the return key between passages and everything else is taken care of. I spent about 10 minutes learning the ropes and then, randomly enough, completely scripted out the lunch I had with my father earlier today. It ended up being about 5 pages and taking place entirely inside the restaurant, well, almost anyway. I sat amazed at how easy and fun it had been to play it all out. Now, given, "Nathan chews burger" isn't going to be winning an Academy Awards any lifetime soon but for a practice round I was well pleased! Screenwriting, with the help of this software, could prove to be a fun hobby of mine. (It's great for stress relief!) Dear lord I sound like a infomercial lady. "GEE BOB! WHAT ELSE DOES IT DO!?!?!?!?

I was originally going to post the script in it's entirety on this page but then I realized people would hate me for doing that, TOO MUCH WORDS NATHAN...ME NO LIKE READ!!!, and I'd probably wake up tomorrow with speared and skinned cat carcasses sticking up out of my lawn, so I decided to refrain. If, however, you aren't a primitive "native" and you would like to read my script I'll be happy to email it to you. What's a coffee break without a screenplay from an obscure screenwriter about lunch? Hit up my email at with subject heading "git me sum er day fancie wrote stuff" and I'll respond with the script. You my also email me with subject heading "I want a million dollars NOW... and I have exotic pets!" ...but honestly, I'll likely just ignore that one.

Hey...let me hit up the peanus yo! ((burp))


Bosephus Jamiroquai said...

Hit up the peanus? Please tell me you meant the peanuTs. Otherwise that (especially with the subsequent burp) might me the most flamboyantly homosexual thing I have ever read.

Send me your script and I'll be sure to pass it on to Matt and Ben.

TheSloan said...

yes you see...the "peanus" thing is an obscure reference to the way my roommate habitually leaves the "t" out of the word peanuts when referring to his beloved planters cilo. If if freaked you out for a second...good. It always freaks me out too.

Bosephus Jamiroquai said...
