Originally uploaded by link5001.
Thats a wrap
Today was quite busy for a Monday. I must admit that I wasn't at all ready for the death swing of the most dreaded day of the week but as I write this it is already Tuesday so I guess I can talk about it as much as I want because it can't do nothin' now!
So I had to shoot a movie for my film class today. That was all good. It involved me getting put in funny poses and hanging out at a girls apartment for about 3 hours. Lots and lots of pictures were shot, including the one of the battle ship I took just before sunset on the waterfront. After quite an agonizing shoot, we had all we needed and I was good to come back to the dorm.
Here is where the real horror awaited me. OK, here is the thing. I left my razor at home the weekend before last. Oh, and its nice too. Its a Mach III (TURBO Gladiator Champion, Master of the Universe) by Gillette. Ordinarily I would have just waited til the next weekend but since I didn't go home the next weekend I couldn't do that. After a little over a week I didn't have a 5'o clock shadow. I had 12' O clock vegetation. Needless to say it was, "no good." My roommate offered to get me some razors while he was at Wal*mart. I saw this as a chance for him to redeem himself and gratefully asked him to. I should have known something would go awry. The razors he brought back were the cheapest thing they had. BiC sensitive skin. HA. I'd hate to see their regulars. I've had maybe 2 shaving nicks before in my life. After this, the worst shave of my life, I had a bakers dozen. Panicked I rinsed my face off and smeared on some after shave gel. The second round of pain. It seems to be cooling now though so I'll keep my fingers crossed. Mark my words, though. If there is a Mr. BiC in real life...I will have his little round head for this!
...now where did I put that poster of Prince...
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