Friday, April 01, 2005

...And I Had Such a Great Idea for a Title

Talk to the Hand.
Originally uploaded by link5001.

I've uploaded a new little batch of pictures since I last posted, this being one of them.

I have this thing where I just can't decide sometimes what I want to do. It doesn't happen often but when it does I always turn to the same guy for a solution. Mr. Quarter! I know a lot of others must practice coin flipping as a means of making personal decisions but for me it is really difficult. Even if I HONEST to GOODNESS have NO Idea which I want to do I always feel bad about whatever wins and end up doing whatever loses after a brief period of guilt.
When I woke up this morning I was sure there had been some strange malfunction with my alarm clock. It went off at 7 AM and I do not have class until 10. After staring at it with complete contempt for about 30 seconds I realized that I had actually set it myself so that I could go get breakfast with Caroline. I was so torn. Warm soft bed or warm soft waffle? I used the quarter and it told me to go to bed so of course I opted for the waffle.
I'm glad I did because it was good and now I feel like I have overcome the evil power of the quarters, which I'm sure are bent on my eternal doom through bad decision making.

up up down left right left right left
That's either a code in a video game I'm remembering or the way Roach spends a night in bed...

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