Monday, November 08, 2004

I Know What a Bloody Tapestry is!

Years ago you served my father in the clone wars....

As I sit staring at my clock, (4 hours and 8 minutes to go!!!) in anticipation of midnight madness for Halo 2 I can't deny that I have this eerie "Nathan you're about to be really screwed" feeling. I don't know if that makes any sense..hmmm... Let me put it this way. Have you ever felt as if you're in trouble before you've even done something, or that something has gone wrong and you have no idea what it could be? Yeah, that’s the feeling I'm talking about. I wonder what it could me. Are my academics slipping about and my subconscious trying to say something? Is it a forewarning of how much Halo 2 is going to dominate my time after tonight? Are my biscuits burning and I still don't know about it?

Maybe its just built up excitement and I'll soon see that there is nothing to worry about. Famous last words eh? At least I can feel a little better now. My roommate is typing a paper and, talking to himself I suppose, randomly just blurted out "F___! Where's the 'J'?" Good Times Good Times...

Pass the bacon or feel my wrath!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we have a feeling that now not only are your grades going to fall, the little social life that you do grace us with will disappear totally to a stupid video game. thats right-we think your game sucks. so as you sit and wait dont forget us others (the non-game nerds).
deepest love,
lindsay and amelia

p.s: we will miss you and its been great knowing you