Monday, September 17, 2007

Teargas. I like the sound of that.

I looked at the old calendar and decided it was high time for another post on this rickety old blog. But what to write about.....?

The other day Scooby Doo was on tv and I came to an amazing realization. I want to live in a Scooby Doo haunted mansion. They are probably the coolest houses I've ever seen in my life. Passageways and trick artwork are everywhere and it's like the owner planned it all from the beginning just to trick those stinkin' kids.

Well, I'm going to find an architect that can design my dream home and here are some of the key features if you're ever lucky enough to make it there.

-An underground passageway from the old well outside to the wine cellar under the house (fully stocked with dusty, unlabeled bottles)
-A hallway with the same table and vase repeated three times down it's length.
-A secret hallway behind an actual one **Key** with a step up and sliding piece of wood so that I can look through the eye holes of a portrait in the actual hall.
-A greenhouse out back where I keep some old machine under a tarp.
-A library with an observatory upstairs, and a bookshelf downstairs that mysteriously opens itself up when you pull out the obviously lighter colored book.
-A zip line (invisible by day) from the attic window to a tree (with a tree house) outside so that I can dress up like a specter and zip down at night.

That ought to scare them off. So, as you can see, my house will be the most awesome house ever. Maybe I'll only charge admission for the first 3 years to make back my money.

Is anyone else craving a Zeasar Zalad?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Love Scooby-Doo!!
that would be awesome if youd had a house like that I'd sure pay to get in =)