Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sam 'n Ella

One of the joys of apartment life that I get is the opportunity to walk to class with my roommates at least a couple of times a week. The other day I was walking with Jeremy Bryan Boitnott and, as always, stimulating conversation followed.

"So, the Colossal Squid is bigger than the Giant Squid?" I asked.

"Yes," Bryan said, "We used to think that the Giant Squid was the biggest, but we recently found the Colossal Squid species, which is much larger. It's eye is the size of your head."

"So are those deep sea fish?"

"Oh yes, very deep sea. That's why it's so hard to find them. We finally captured a live Giant Squid a couple of years ago."

"Cool! So, is it in a tank or something?"

"No, it died."


"But if we capture a Colossal Squid - that would be amazing."

"So, you plan on concentrating in Squid or something with your Marine Biology major."

"No, I will concentrate in Jellyfish," he said.

"Jellyfish?" I ask.

"Yep." he says.

What are you going to do with a concentration in Jellyfish?"

"Ummmm, Study them," he answered, "I just like Jellyfish."

And so there you have it. A little insight into my life...

1 comment:

Cbake said...

The Colossal is bigger, but not longer, than the Giant.

I like squid.