Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Articles of Onions

I love my new apartment. THE LANDING!

I finally got everything packed into my new apartment and when I look at it now all I can think about is how sweet it is. And subsequently how many years into the future I'll be paying for it. UNCW gets a facelift every time I return from summer break and this year is no exception. Where once a mighty wood was, now my bricky apartment complex is. We even have little places of business built-in to our buildings. My building has a coffee shop (talk about struggling with temptation) and there is also a marketplace, post office, and fitness center. I was a little disappointed to learn of the absence of a spaceport and a nuclear processing facility, but apparently those were pulled due to "safety hazards" or some garbage like that.
My roommates are Jeff and Bryan. I have two Bryans in my phone so I have to remember he is the one with the y and not the ian. Jeff is my unofficial style consultant because he knows what is becoming and what isn't. Yesterday we baked cookies for our entire hall, decorated them horrifically, and delivered them (because we're old school). Some of my favorite designs were Brian's boat/dolphin, Jeff's jellyfish, and my state of Colorado.

Today is the day of the annual Beach Blast. This is UNCW's attempt at making the freshmen feel more at home and at making the upperclassmen happy with free pizza. Last year it was canceled and this year Tommy is threatening to drag me out there against my will to fraternize with Caswell folk. I'm not sure if I can handle a packed beach on a projected 99 degree day. That's like...hotter than my mouth. Who wants to hang out in that? Tomorrow classes start and I assume that my normal drone-like behavior will be restored as I learn to walk the same path to classes every day. I'm taking ten-TONS of English because I only need 2 more classes in film to graduate with that major. It's really cool that I'm still able to graduate in May but at the same time it's a little nerve-wracking to have so little room for mess-ups. Next year I don't know where I'll be. Perhaps I'll be standing on the deck of a Chinese freight ship, letting the wind whip my hair while watching the sun retreat on an infinite horizon.

Or maybe I'll work at the sketch zoo down the road and eat Doritos every day. Meh, who knows!?


Anonymous said...

Absolutely hillarious. Made my boring work day just a tiny bit better. ok maybe more than a tiny bit!

Anonymous said...

HAHA I can't imagine who'd want to hang out in your mouth!! That's HOT! Hehe. Funny stuff. Came by your blog because I'd bookmarked it ages ago but hadn't read for a while. You can tell you're an English student (and that's a good thing, trust me, I'm one too ;))


Anonymous said...

I would pick the Chinese Freight Ship if I were you...Sounds more exciting and Doritos have MSG in them.