Monday, July 09, 2007

Itchy Itchy!

I'm having so much fun it's hard for me to find time to post!!!

So I finally came back to it.

Here is what has happened.

My cousin got married and the ceremony was wonderful. Now I have to edit everything together for her wich should prove interesting. Hopefully I'll get that done soon.

Caswell keeps on rolling. Today marks the halfway point of the summer. WOO HOO!

I got bit by fire ants 17 times. YAAAY

So now you're pretty much caught up. God bless you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fire ants? Sounds nasty! Yeah, here I am reading through your posts so you feel just a little less lonely ... I know what it feels like to blog and have no one read. I've stopped altogether... ought to remedy that... in fact... I will, right after reading yours! I include my website address here if you're interested in reading my senseless drivel ;)

Bye! ~Lizzie