Saturday, May 05, 2007

Semi-Silly Morsels

I'm tired.

Physically my butt is aching like no one's business, something that happened due to bowling the other night (I'm still trying to understand how), but it stems further than that. I'm tired of a lot of things. For instance, I have very little to do the rest of this semester. I woke up at 12:30, shuffled around for four hours, went out with friends, ate dinner, watched a movie, ate again, and then got ready for bed. I could have easily done all of my work and I did none. I'm lazy and I'm sick of it.

Part of me wants to remedy this with something like a skill, or trade. I'm studying Film and English, so why not write about film on this blog? If I think hard enough I'm sure I can amalgamate the nonsensical humor that is at the very core of this blog with some deep, observational commentary on film or life or, better yet, God. Then again, is that really the change I need? I don't think so. I think the change I need is a change that a lot of people need. Right there in front of every 20-something semi-adult is an incredible opportunity to better the world and impact everything around us forever. Making a big impact with your life is really just consistantly making small impacts when you get right down to it. All I have to do is wake up and say, "Im'll do it." I want to do it and I have a God that I think will show me what I should do, no matter how mundane or futile it may seem at the time. I'm going to extend the helping hand to my fellow man, pray continuously, build God's kingdom and give Him the Glory. I'll seize the moment before it's too late, studying everything I need to know and getting experience where I'm lacking. When I wake up I will make a difference - the difference that we all have it within us to make if we would just abandon the comfort of the ordinary and embrace the hardship of the extraordinary. I am going to do it.

Or will I?

I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

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