Monday, November 06, 2006

Purple Cabbage Never Hurt Nobody


I can't believe it, for once in my life I register for classes and come out with one of the most AMAZING schedules EVER.

Keep in mind that I'm only taking 15 hours next semester and not 18 like I have for the past two.

Here is what it looks like.

Essay Writing on MW
Business Writing on MWF
Japanese Cinema on MW
Art of the Camera on Tuesday
and Variations on the 1 minute film on Tuesday

If you payed close attention you may have noticed that I have NO CLASSES on thursday and one class on friday and it's only from 12:00 to 12:50. NIIIIIICE. I'm so excited. Now I just have to figure out to do with my nearly four day weekends!



Anonymous said...

You can spend time with me!

TheSloan said...

Ah, but sadly since you're anonymous I have no idea who you are and thus cannot spend time with you.

Forzavryheid said...


Now just hold thumbs and hope that Business writing is a class that you can get away with skipping every alternate week and your schedule gets EVEN better!!

I skipped as many classes as I could and look how I turned out! No wait. Dont.

(insert running away and door slam sound here)