Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hand Dipped Goodness

Today I had one last assignment due for my screenwriting class. I had to write 10 loglines for movie concepts. Loglines are about 2-3 sentences and "sum up" the premise of the movie. I wrote all of these in less than 25 minutes (procrastiNATE)

let me know if there are any you want to see!

A drama about Daniel, who lost his wife in a car crash, and wants to show others the dangers of driving by putting wreaths at random points next to the road. His wreaths evoke emotions and spark conversation and speculation from people driving by.

A comedy about Jack, a rural magician, who dreams of becoming a big Vegas star. He performs at “The Dusty Bowl” bar and is heckled by Ted, a truck driver. Jack must prove to himself that he’s a worthy magician and pull the biggest trick ever on Ted.

A comedy about Peter, a huge George Lucas fan who quits his lucrative job to go on a global hunt. He and his friend Jesse set out for Tunisia Africa where they’ve heard there are still pieces of a plane prop that was destroyed for Indiana Jones.

A thriller about Jordon, a woman with a keen sense for the paranormal who wants to prove to the world that ghosts exist. When an evil scientist shows her a machine that gives ghosts the ability to re-exist physically, she has to escape a haunted battlefield.

A drama about Lindsay, a drug addicted trapeze artist. She falls in love with Daniel, a visiting lion tamer and things look up for her. When Daniel leaves, however, her manager presses her harder than ever and she finds it a struggle to control her life.

A kid’s drama about Cameron, a biologist who is in love with pandas and discovers an isolated group of the endangered animals living wild in north-eastern India. She goes to protect them but gets lost and a family of Pandas finds her and protects her.

A comedy about Stan, a CIA agent who resigns because he hates having to sneak around. He goes to New York and joins a traveling Hip-Hop Dance team. Once they’re on the road, however, he discover the team leader Dameon’s intent to overthrow America.

A musical about Joey, a kid who has to make his way through food group land. On his way the evil candy king trys to stray Joey from the path and make him sick.

A drama about Rex, a truck driver/pirate in the mid-west. Ted is captain of his truck and he and his crew make a living commandeering other trucks on the lonely deserted highways, but now Rex must deal with a mutiny led by his own first mate, Bruce.

A comedy about Cynthia, a plastic surgeon who is known as the best in her field. When she botches up the face of a prominent communist leader, however, she inadvertently starts a war. She has to make things right by foiling the communist’s plans.

Deer Flavored Cream Cheese Anyone?

1 comment:

Forzavryheid said...

A thriller about Jordon, a woman with a keen sense for the paranormal who wants to prove to the world that ghosts exist. When an evil scientist shows her a machine that gives ghosts the ability to re-exist physically, she has to escape a haunted battlefield.

That one please!!!