Thursday, November 23, 2006


The new bond film, Casino Royale, was absolutly fantastic. Ok, it wasn't life-alteringly good, but it was the first bond movie I've seen advertised that I actually wanted to see. It wasn't corny. It goes back to the beginnings of Bond and delivers a cool story. If you're struggling with the decision of what to see this weekend and you like good action movies, you should check it out.

aaaaaaand thats all.

1 comment:

Forzavryheid said...

Hey bud!!

I saw it last Friday and I agree! The movie ROCKS!!

Except for FORDS blatant product placement in almost every scene- Land Rovers, Jaguars, a frikkin Ford FOCUS (Hello?? Bond in a Focus?? WHats with that anyway?) and of course the ever-sexy Aston Martin.

Eva Green should NEVER have been a Bond Girl though- she is waaaaaay too Goth-like and has the personality of a mook (in interviews, not necessarily the movie).

Other than those two criticisms, and especially because there was no "invisible car" or "Silver Surfer" James Bond scene created with CGI graphics that even a circa 1989 Nintendo Game could rival, it was a VERY good James Bond movie!