Monday, April 17, 2006

Too Close for Missles, I'm Switching to Guns

It's the Sunday Post on Monday Morning!

The long haul has finally arrived. I'm now stuck with the daunting task of writing an 8 page research paper in one day. That's what I get for putting it off and having several other classes in which my stuff is also due at the exact same time. I feel kind of bad because yesterday I bought my first lotto scratch ticket for a dollar. Though that does disappoint I won $7 so I made $6. I'm thinking I might just stick it to the man and never buy another lotto ticket. That way I have still taken $6 for the state government, and more importantly...those noisy kids and their PUBLIC education. Wait a second...I was publicly educated...oh well.

Yesterday I drove all the way home with on windshield wiper blade half off. This wouldn't have been a big deal but after an hour the flapping against the glass gets to you. I'm not sure I'm completely mentally stable anymore, but whose to say I ever was in the first place.

...Don't touch my ancient Chinese Bronze Bells!

1 comment:

Jacob said...

Don't feel bad my friend I too have put off work until I can no longer put it off. We are strong in numbers, don't fret.