Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hand Dipped Goodness

Today I had one last assignment due for my screenwriting class. I had to write 10 loglines for movie concepts. Loglines are about 2-3 sentences and "sum up" the premise of the movie. I wrote all of these in less than 25 minutes (procrastiNATE)

let me know if there are any you want to see!

A drama about Daniel, who lost his wife in a car crash, and wants to show others the dangers of driving by putting wreaths at random points next to the road. His wreaths evoke emotions and spark conversation and speculation from people driving by.

A comedy about Jack, a rural magician, who dreams of becoming a big Vegas star. He performs at “The Dusty Bowl” bar and is heckled by Ted, a truck driver. Jack must prove to himself that he’s a worthy magician and pull the biggest trick ever on Ted.

A comedy about Peter, a huge George Lucas fan who quits his lucrative job to go on a global hunt. He and his friend Jesse set out for Tunisia Africa where they’ve heard there are still pieces of a plane prop that was destroyed for Indiana Jones.

A thriller about Jordon, a woman with a keen sense for the paranormal who wants to prove to the world that ghosts exist. When an evil scientist shows her a machine that gives ghosts the ability to re-exist physically, she has to escape a haunted battlefield.

A drama about Lindsay, a drug addicted trapeze artist. She falls in love with Daniel, a visiting lion tamer and things look up for her. When Daniel leaves, however, her manager presses her harder than ever and she finds it a struggle to control her life.

A kid’s drama about Cameron, a biologist who is in love with pandas and discovers an isolated group of the endangered animals living wild in north-eastern India. She goes to protect them but gets lost and a family of Pandas finds her and protects her.

A comedy about Stan, a CIA agent who resigns because he hates having to sneak around. He goes to New York and joins a traveling Hip-Hop Dance team. Once they’re on the road, however, he discover the team leader Dameon’s intent to overthrow America.

A musical about Joey, a kid who has to make his way through food group land. On his way the evil candy king trys to stray Joey from the path and make him sick.

A drama about Rex, a truck driver/pirate in the mid-west. Ted is captain of his truck and he and his crew make a living commandeering other trucks on the lonely deserted highways, but now Rex must deal with a mutiny led by his own first mate, Bruce.

A comedy about Cynthia, a plastic surgeon who is known as the best in her field. When she botches up the face of a prominent communist leader, however, she inadvertently starts a war. She has to make things right by foiling the communist’s plans.

Deer Flavored Cream Cheese Anyone?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cop Killer, Rap Artist, Go Kill Something

Ahh another overcast day!

Not much to report today BUT just in case you all are wondering I have a Kevin Bacon Raiting of only 3 degrees.

I was in my life with my father
My father was an extra in Billy Bathgate with Dustin Hoffman
Dustin Hoffman was in Sleepers with...oh yes...Kevin Bacon.

I'm going to go to CCF. about some fresh cut dasies?

Thursday, November 23, 2006


The new bond film, Casino Royale, was absolutly fantastic. Ok, it wasn't life-alteringly good, but it was the first bond movie I've seen advertised that I actually wanted to see. It wasn't corny. It goes back to the beginnings of Bond and delivers a cool story. If you're struggling with the decision of what to see this weekend and you like good action movies, you should check it out.

aaaaaaand thats all.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Every day is like a pill...

Lance Responds
Originally uploaded by The Sloan.

Before you read this post, please be sure to read this one. Otherwise it loses effect.

Today I heard back from Lance, Inc.'s Consumer Affairs Coordinator, Phil O. Brooks. I'll just copy the letter for you guys below:

Dear Ms. Sloan:

Please accept our apologies for your experience with Lance Cream Cheese with Chives on Captain's Wafers that was missing the filling. We are most concerned to have this report.

This product is manufactured in accordance with the highest quality standards. Please be assured that this information has been forwarded to the responsible individuals for corrective action.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience to you. We are enclosing coupons for your use. We hope you will continue to have faith in our organization and purchase our products as you have in the past. We do appreciate your business.

Ok, there are three verdicts I could drop here (keep in mind, this is a real issue, I didn't make this up for the sake of it). They:

1)Hate Democracy
2)Think Democracy is "OK"
3)Love Democracy and America

The letter was nice and the compensation in coupons was MORE than nice, so I would give them "Love Democracy and America," sadly, Phil made one crucial mistake. Did anyone else catch it?
Ms. Sloan???

For that I must demote their status to "Thinks Democracy is 'OK'"

It's a tough world out there, but at the end of the day, Lance is a darn fine snack company. Do you have Lance in your pants?

Does anyone else smell shellfish?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Laptops is Hot

Paper...or plastic?

Whatever happened to the good old days of paper? I hate it when things just change on you without fair input ... and this is a prime example. I remember when going to the grocery store meant I got to play with a lot of really pretty paper bags when mom got home (this was when I was a child). That's when some schmuck at the top of the grocery biz discovered that plastic bags saved a lot of money. AT WHAT PRICE? Then there was that period of time where they would ask you which one you wanted so you felt like they gave equal support to both. So deceptive, they were just phasing the paper out and trying to do it without causing an instant outcry! Sure, some stores still offer paper, but it's just a gesture. The sweet paper lovin' that used to be given so freely is now either carried only by customer demand or it's simply denied us.

I know the grocery stores are like us, they can see a good thing when it's right in front of their face! I mean, it has a sturdy feel; it has a much nicer surface for printing your image on, open your eyes grocery stores! Paper was good and you dropped it to save a buck!? I can't believe such a brazen sacrifice of something of true quality for some strange corporate gain.

You know, I can't blame it on the stores entirely though. There is always the outside pressure. Big business America, what with it's single napkin dispenser and it's public restroom hand dryers was right there, urging the grocery stores to cave. GROCERY STORE, COME ON! Just because the businesses around you cave to pressures doesn't mean that you have to! You could have been the diamond in the commercial rough, offering quality "complimentary item" to your customers, but no. You didn't.

I wish I could say I'd never shop with you again for this disgrace...but everyone needs their groceries...

Gao Gao is my panda name...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Keep Your Head Down!

I usually write pretty random useless stuff in this blog but what I'm about to write is going to serve a purpose. I want to remember what happened yesterday in detail for future reference.

My sister and I were shopping in Best Buy yesterday when a gun was pulled, a shot was fired, and chaos broke out.

Melissa came down to visit me for the weekend because she had a, thing... that she had to go to and needed a place to stay. Well, she stayed last night just to keep me company I guess. In any case we were trying to think of something to do around 3:00 when we decided to go to Best Buy and grab a season of "Ghost Hunters" on DVD. If you've never heard of that TV show I highly suggest you click the link and check it out. They usually don't find anything but when they do, it's creepy, and you get some good stories regardless.

So we know that Best Buy is going to be the only store in town that would carry a relatively obscure Sci-Fi original series like that. Once we're there I convince her that she needs to go back to the back and check out the little TV sets since she might want one for Christmas. She goes back with me. We're looking at some nice HD LCD sets in the satellite TV section when we hear a commotion up towards the front of the store (this is waaay in the back). It gets quiet and I hear a loud bang. Looking over the shelves (thanks to my height), I see smoke rising up. There is a moment...maybe three seconds...where nothing happens except some yelling at the front. Someone yells "Get down," then all heck breaks loose. It takes a while for it to hit me that someone has a gun at the front of the store and that it's probably a robbery. I move slightly forward against the river of people scrambling towards the back of the store. I hear Melissa freaking out (just a little) behind me. I knew our best bet was to get as far away from guy with gun at front, since if it was a robbery; the money was at the front. We had to walk towards the front to get out of the TVs, then around them to go back towards the back. Melissa stopped to put Ghost Hunters down and told me to wait up. I grabbed her hand and started moving. It was crazy, just like in a movie; people were huddling over their children, jumping into shelves, and running and screaming. All I said was "It's going to be ok" as I led Melissa through the back isle until we came to the storeroom. Several associates had just opened the storeroom and were letting people out the back. We booked it to the sidewalk.

Once outside we waited for a while as several police cars streamed by. It was only about 5 minutes later that we got word that the guy was arrested. As far as we know (according to an associate) he was trying to steal 2 cds and got caught. When the doormen tried to take him into a holding room he pulled a gun. One of the Best Buy guys grabbed his arm and pushed it down as he pulled the trigger. They held him and the police got him. Hooray for Best Buy!!

All I could think about on the sidewalk after we knew we were safe was "I wonder if circuit city has Ghost Hunters." Melissa loves giving me a hard time about that. We did go to Circuit City, they didn't have it, and then we came back to the apartment. The store was open later, though, and we tempted fate again around 6:00. Needless to say, we watched some Ghost Hunters that night.

You see this kind of stuff happen on TV all the time and you never think it will happen to you. Well, I guess it can. Stay safe you guys and don't freak out if something does happen, you reduce your chances of survival!

update! Looks like the rumor mill got a couple of details wrong, but the people being interviewed here were at the same place we were. He is the official report...
Gunshot fired at Best Buy; teen charged with robbery | | Star-News | Wilmington, NC

Monday, November 06, 2006

Purple Cabbage Never Hurt Nobody


I can't believe it, for once in my life I register for classes and come out with one of the most AMAZING schedules EVER.

Keep in mind that I'm only taking 15 hours next semester and not 18 like I have for the past two.

Here is what it looks like.

Essay Writing on MW
Business Writing on MWF
Japanese Cinema on MW
Art of the Camera on Tuesday
and Variations on the 1 minute film on Tuesday

If you payed close attention you may have noticed that I have NO CLASSES on thursday and one class on friday and it's only from 12:00 to 12:50. NIIIIIICE. I'm so excited. Now I just have to figure out to do with my nearly four day weekends!
