Friday, March 24, 2006


Rider Backed

He had the joker in his wallet
when they killed him.
The bag was zipped up already,
the last time those eyes looked to the sky
was something like five minutes

His parents may not yet know the news
I wish I didn't.
A circle of disconnected
officers, smoking their cigarettes
block out the nightmares that come
and go.

His name, Anthony, on his license
tucked in a sleeve
reminds me of a college friend
a magician, who pulled the aces
from the space behind my ears,
and laughed.

I know this isn't him, but again
I see the card
among his loved one's photographs
like a member of the family,
and can't help thinking, maybe?
But no.

What a crazy slip! That was at least
ten years ago.
The kid who's wallet I'm holding
was no peer of mine. The flow of time
and the prank of a joker
fooled me.

Friday, March 17, 2006

He Came From the Basement

I'm the Gorton's Fisherman....

I got up tuesday morning and came close to walking outside only to realize that it was raining when I got to the first floor. Naturally when I realized this I went back up to my room, grabbed my yellow UNCW raincoat and my wallet that I had forgotten, and went back down. I usually wear the raincoat over my book bag (ever since last years smeared and streaky notes incident). Because of this Caroline says I look like a turtle. The people on the first floor said I looked like the Gorton's Fisherman. What did I do? What could I do? I grabbed the handles of my imaginary ship's wheel and struck a pose for them, then walked out.

What is a ship's wheel? It can't be called a ship's wheel, that's too lame. I just can't picture a 17th Century mariner calling out to his captain "AYE CAP'IN! YE NEED TO BE TURNIN' 'E WHEEL A LITTLE TO 'E PORT SIDE!" Somewhere in there the magic of sailing gets lost.

Wag was pretty disgusting that day. There were chicken nuggets...but they weren't really chicken nuggets. At the very least they were meat but I refuse to call them chicken. I had to eat fast to go to class so I kept shoving them down but with every bite I got sicker and sicker. I don't know where I'm going with this but the moral of the story is never eat the nuggets at Wag...or just avoid Wag period.

I found out what a ships wheel is called (I did some research). Apparently it's actually called a wheel. That's a little disappointing but they it says "also called the helm" so that makes me feel a little better. If I actually were the Gorton's fisherman I'd take the helm and frighten the fish stick population into submission within seconds. feet have nostrils...strange and upsetting...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Just Give me the Burbon Chicken

Ok, so I didn't update for the past two days...but you CAN'T be mad at me. You know why? Because in the past two days I was finally able to open the mind-numbingly awesome

Ok, it isn't exactly mind numbingly's not really awesome at all really...sigh, but it is my new website and from now on there will be a link to it from my blog. Go read and enjoy.

If you still need material to read then head to my DREAM BLOG and read about my latest strange dream.

Don't bat an eyelash...bat a hobo.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

My Ship Has No Poop Deck

Spring Break in Winter!

Zzzzzz Zzzzzzz....

The great snore down begins! I'm going to be spending the next week (my spring break) trying to keep my eyes open just to look for something to do. Keep YOUR eyes glued to this blog because I'll be updating here day by day this week!

P.S. I'm starting to feel sick and I really don't want to get that way. Please pray for me!