Home Again, Home Again...
Originally uploaded by link5001.3,030 Miles later
Knowing well that I wouldn't have the will power to survive the exhausting trip home, and then back to Wilmington after being in the brain-sucking company of my fine friends from Caswell during reunion last January, I decided to pack up all of my dorm belongings and make reunion and my reentry to school this past semester, a single venture. On a whim before I left I decided to tap the old Trip-O-Meter on the dash just to get an idea for how much I actually drive. The engine on the old "Heck"splorer fired up and into the clear blue east I went.
Semesters should be called "Yousuckbecausetimehatesyouesters," I think most anyone would agree with me. If you've ever read my blog before, (and I applaud you if you haven't, turn back now while you still have joy in your heart) then you know that I, like any young individual, had set many lofty goals for myself this past semester. You know what those goals do? They stare you right in the face and you start snarling at them, then you think about Doritos. Yeah, and then you start to wonder if they really ARE NachoCHEESIER, or if they just put that on the bags. So you get on eBay and you buy a 1993 bag and wait for it to come in, JUST to confirm it for yourself.
Maybe I'm the only one that would do that...and only if such an inclination struck me, but you get my point. Anything seems more interesting than actually putting forth the effort to do the things that you know would be really cool to do. That's what always happens to me anyway. OK, not always, I did get some cool stuff done this spring...like the Panda stuff, "Unfortunate," a new hit radio show, etc. etc. (haha) but seriously, is it just me or is time getting annoying?
Getting onto the subject of large scull portraits, that is exactly what I found on a HUGE canvas when I entered my dad's office today. He painted the disturbing image, featuring a brooding young man inside the brain, back when he was in college. I'll be picking that piece up for the old dorm later on!
You see, I also have lofty goals for the 2 weeks I'm going to be based here in my home town of Four Oaks. I want to get a movie made, get started on my book, design some more items for my store, give my hot ride a cool bath, transfer all my short "films" onto a DVD for the masses, and baste a large young turkey in a pan covered with aluminum foil. To complete such tasks I need an information HUB with the resources and space necessary for the workings of a lame, genius mind. Naturally I pick my father's downtown office which is outfitted in broadband networking cables. ((maniacal laugh))
Everything is cozy now...but I haven't unloaded my baggage from school. It's all still in the two vehicles it took to move me out. Move out, yes, move out day, yesterday, was a sad, sad day. I wish I could go back actually. It would be nice to sit in my gray plastic chair under the watchful eye of Kittyana Jones and Roach. Sadly it happens that my time with dear Roach has ended. Fortune smiled upon me for a brief 9 months, then, as is it's custom, frowned like an angry, wet monkey in a fez. Don't get me wrong, the guy's farts could knock a whale flat.....a Pacific whale, but he was a good roomie. I'm going to miss him, even if the punk is soaking up the rays in Puerto Rico right now.
Of course there are others I'll miss, faces I may never see again, and one in particular that is breaking my heart, but as they say, pain is weakness leaving the body. Sigh. It's also sad to not be an 18 year old Freshman anymore. I'll never be a freshman again...gulp...and that kind of leaves me with a sick feeling in my stomach. You know, one that is something akin to the feeling one gets after consuming a large quantity of Chinese take-out, but I suppose I'll get over it. There are bright years ahead right? RIGHT??
Of course there are.
Exams went.
...that's it, they went. I'm not commenting on how well or unwell I think I did because in either case I'd be risking making a fool out of myself when my final grades make their eventual appearance on UNCW's Seaweb. I will say that my first two grades in Global History, and Intro to Lit have made made me mildly happy, being a B+ and an A respectively. Of course, those were my good classes. My grades for Math, Psych, and ...gulp, Intro to Film Studies have yet to rear their ugly heads and start singing annoying Christmas jingles at me. As soon as they do I'm sure you'll find me wincing in agony on the floor somewhere.
As it turns out, the tripometer just did peep it's head over the 3,000 mark on my way back. I had forgotten it's silent duty once again as I rushed the final 30 or so miles home, trying to beat the setting sun that was flooding across my face. The sun does that you know, when it's setting. Setting in the West, and I faced it, moving like a madman away from my Eastern haven and all that I've grown to love there.
I missed the big moment, the 3,000. Something about my sun-dazed driving mindset snapped in me, strangely, and caused me to glance down just as the "1" ticked into a "2" in the ones digit space. Sad that I came so close to seeing it, but appropriate, very, for it would seem that's how life always treats me. It gives me a good look at what I almost had, and hardens me for the future. Next time, I won’t miss a thing.
At this point, Nathan stands up from his computer and a strong but silent tear streams down his clinched jaw as he stares upwards, into the great unknown...
Check out my links for freshly uploaded pictures in my Flickr Album and new Jump Cut Radio stuff.
As Roach would say, "Peace"